Friday, May 04, 2012

More photos

Hello sweet friends ...

I have nothing crafty to share today ... but a few more photos of Norway for you ... 
First of all though ... take a look at some little tin containers I picked up today really cheap

Aren't they sweet? And I can fit all my distress stains and more into the oblong one ... the other one can be hung on a wall ... maybe I'll put my markers in that ...

(click on photos to enlarge)

Sailing into Stavanger

We disembarked and went for a walk

These little restaurants are along the waterfront ... then I found this shop ... Heaven!!

on the way back to the ship ... we met this little Norwegian guy ... or is it a gal?

I love this shot ... taken through my porthole before we left Stavanger

Sailing into Flam ... doesn't my Aunt look lovely ... You wouldn't think she was 85 ... 
See how still the water is in the fjords

Arriving at the picturesque Flam

It was so hot this day ... even on the journey to the town of Myrdal which is so high up ...
This is a picture taken from the train

You wouldn't believe I got sunburnt!

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my trip ... 
Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Lovely photos! Did you get those containers in Norway or UK? They're fab!!! x

  2. Looks more like you got snow burnt. LOL Thanks for sharing some more pictures. It all looks so interesting. Hugs Ros!

  3. I love those lovely tins you bought, and wow, those pictures make me want to travel again!

  4. Such wonderful photos again Ros, you bought some lovely items, they have a great vintage feel to them. Your aunt is a grand looking lady, if you hadn't told us we could easily take her to be your mum, you're so alike!

  5. Love your sweet finds, Ros. And more lovely photo's. I particularly like the one through the porthole...very creative photography! Thanks for sharing x

  6. Hi Ros,
    Oh WOW, I love your pictures! I love the one of you and that porthole one is amazing, too!! I hope you had such a good time...Oh, and your background on here is adorable!!! xo Cindy

  7. Ros querida...que belo lugar voce conheceu...lindas fotos e uma maravilhosa aquisição para guardá-las!

  8. Norway looks beautiful, Ros and your aunt looks amazing. I would never have thought her 85. Thanks for sharing your photos.

    I think I've managed to persuade hubby to take me :o) Fingers crossed

  9. What a score! And such lovely photos. Hope you had a great trip. :)

  10. WOW Ros! What beautiful photos of Norway! Looks like you had an amazing time! Thanks for sharing!

  11. What lovely photos! Love the tins! Looks like a fantastic trip!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous pictures from your trip Ros! I love the one of your aunt and yes she looks wonderful. That generation survived so much and is doing well in old age! Have a wonderful evening.

  13. I think markers would look perfect in those tins.. I just love seeing your photos from your trip. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!!


  14. love♥LOVE♥loooooving your norway photos, they are FAB the porthole one is my fave! ♥♥♥ (sorry, i think that's a bit rude, b/c obviously your auntie is looking lovely there as well!!!!) :)


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