Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Papercraft Star "Aqua" Challenge

I'm back with you this morning to share my card for this weeks' challenge at Papercraft Star
How lovely is this inspiration photo?

You can pick anything you like as your inspiration ... just as long as your main colour is Aqua

Our Star Designer this week is none other than the lovely Jinny Newlin... She did an amazing job using the lovely digitals from our regular sponsor The House Across the Bay 

I took the opportunity to make a card for some friends who celebrate their anniversary this week

I used a mix of aqua papers ... Elin's Huis, Grace Taylor and Melissa Frances ... and matched up my sewing  thread too

I fussy cut the flowers from some of the Grace Taylor aqua paper and the little sparkly squiggles are just stickers from Poundland ... Man are they fiddly to use .. I bought them for my Thursday club group - they love sparkles but they were just too difficult for them ... they just kept curling up when you tried to stick them lol!
My Stamp is fromWaltzingMouse ... rose and rhinestones from Hobby Craft ... 
Hop on over to the Papercraft Star blog to see the wonderful creations from our lovely Design team ... Hope you will come and join us this week

Wishing you a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. My favourite colour, such a beautiful card, love the pretty doily. Deb xxx

  2. This is stunning Ros. I love the soft shades of blue. :)


  3. Very elegant and pretty with that fine heart doily Ros, such a lovely colour this is!

  4. Wonderful card for your friends, Ros, I love the sparkly squiggles, I thought it was glitter! I love this color. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Tema lindo e maravilhoso cartão!

  6. Oh dear Ros! What a beautiful card! That heart is so elegant and I love the beautiful flowers!

  7. Gorgeous card!!! I love the colors... hugs..xoxo

  8. Such a great design, Ros! LOVE how you've given your card such fantastic movement with those silver trails! So pretty!

  9. Wow...what a stunning and beautiful card...I love stitching on a card, and you have layered it so beautifully...inspiring!!

  10. So lovely and delicate Ros. :-) Beautiful use of the aqua colors. Hugs!

  11. Beautiful soft blue and white card, Ros. Love all the layers and the sweet heart doily x

  12. This is so pretty. Love the design my friend. And those colors remind me of the sea. Hope your having a happy week..


  13. Gorgeous card!
    Beautiful colours:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  14. Beautiful card Ros with the lovely soft aqua colors. I love the lacy heart with the cut out flowers :)

  15. That is soft and pretty, and a perfect Ros creation!

  16. What a beautiful card. I love the colour and the doily heart is gorgeous.

  17. Beautiful, Ros! I love the huge heart!

  18. Ros your card is so lovely! I love the monochromatic look!



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