Saturday, June 09, 2012

Life's a challenge

Hi there 
Here's my card for this weeks challenge at Jingle Belles ... which is to make a project related to a Christmas song or carol ...

Sorry about the poor photo ... the weather is to blame ... 

I hope you can see that little village .. so ok it's not quite Bethlehem ... but the best I could come up with 

I inked up the embossing folder first with a pale blue ink ... looks better IRL

Getting this done was no mean feat ... I have been up half the night due to a cat who wanted to go out ... but didn't ... if you know what I mean ... See ... the weather has been abysmal ... We have had torrential rain  for days and add to that some strong gusts of wind and ... well cats just don't like it anymore than we do and she makes it known ... constantly! 
There has been only one break in her whining and that was when she decided to curl up on my chair in my craft room meaning I had to stand to make this card or risk the whining again ... she had that look on her face ... you know the one that says "I dare you..." Of course as soon as said card was made ... she vacated!
I was going to tell you about my server suddenly not recognising me as a customer ... and the 'know it all technicians' who presume to tell me that the problem is me...  I am typing incorrectly,  my computer has been hacked into, my browser is at fault ... there is No problem at their end so it has to be me ... 2 days of calls ... my temper frayed ... and finally Sky admitted that someone at their end had inadvertently disabled our account ...
 I was going to tell you ... but I'll only depress myself

Enjoy your weekend ... it's an early night for me with ear plugs I think!

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful card, love the sprinkling of glitter. I bet you are shattered !!!! Deb xxx

  2. The weather is almost like christmas, cold, rain, stormy wind etc. But the card you have make is very beautiful!

    Hugs Thea

  3. Love that sparkling sky line and the embossed little village ... sorry your kitty & technology have been taking their toll ... so glad you joined us at jingle belles.

  4. Oh Ros, I love the star tag and little piece of greenery. You are always so good getting ahead for Christmas cards.

    PLEASE send some of that rain my way. We did not get much snow or rain so it is soo dry here. This is not normal. You are hogging all the rain. LOL ;)


  5. Beautiful card, Ros!

    That deli-cat-e pet of yours...

    Hope the rain bucketing down has stopped now; it's the same wet and stormy story overhere!

    Have a wonderful Sunday.



  6. Hi Ros! We have a cat like that too - a whiner, very strong willed and will not stop until he gets his way! I sympathize! Lovely card, you will be happy you made it come December!

  7. Oh, must have been quite a rough night for you then Ros! Must be due to the bad weather ;-) Your Christmas card is so beautiful, you're just so good at them!!

  8. Beautiful card!
    Lovely details:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  9. You poor thing!!...I hope the weather gets better ..{hugs}

    Love the card... it is beautiful...hugs...xoxo

  10. Poor Ros! I have a pup that doesn't like the rain either despite the fact that she's a lab and is supposed to like water. LOL We've been dealing with torrential rains here too for the past couple of days. Your card is lovely. The soft winter whites with that touch of evergreen is very pretty. Just pop in those ear plugs and dream of sailing on the high seas Ros. :-) Hugs!

  11. Beautiful card, Ros, I love your village! Everything is perfectly beautiful and I am sure it looks just like the carol. Sorry about your weather,I hope it is better soon and yes, I know about a whining cat! sorry about the server problems as well! Hoping you are enjoying a better day today!

  12. Well I feel your pain my friend. My old cat has decided that she wants to be feed at 5:00 in the morning. Every morning she sits by our bed and whines till we get up.. The crazy thing is that her bowl always still has food in it. Crazy Cat..

    Your card look amazing my friend. The little touch of greenery look wonderful..


  13. Beautiful Christmas card Ros. I love your sweet little star tag, and I can see your village perfectly, it looks lovely with the beautiful twinkling sky above. Hope you get a good nights sleep x

  14. oh miss ros! you are having A TIME OF IT!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ the irony, though, is that out of noise and chaos and craziness you have managed to produce one of the most serene and elegant holiday cards i've ever seen! i am ♥IN LOVE♥ with this masterpiece of softness and beauty! (my favorite bits are the dangly star and the curved sentiment... and the bow... and the pine... ok, the WHOLE THING is my favorite bit, lol!) :) :) :)

  15. What a lovely card! So sorry about all the bad things happening. We have an older dog that has the same issue with the weather although he will just take care of business by the door if he doesn't want to go out in the rain! :)


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