Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Love you yesterday....

Father's Day is fast approaching and at Papercraft Star the challenge this week is to make a card or project for Dad

I don't have anyone to make a card for ... I lost my Dad a long time ago and yet my memories of him are as strong as ever ... seems like only yesterday ... not 39 years
So I made a little tag book ... just for me really but to celebrate my Dad

I used scraps from my supplies ... so lots of different things here .. alpha stickers from Pixie Dust Paperie ... Tim Holtz tape ... prima flower

That wee baby is me ... taken shortly after I was born ... 
The wood effect papers are from paperMania and I distressed the edges

I cut some hearts ... one from a scrap of cardboard and one from a little metal garden tag ... I first used these Here
And you can tell I am not a snob when it comes to using stickers ... I just love them for albums and books with scraps of lace and trims 

There are even some stickers from Melissa Frances ... love mixing up my supplies

Our Star designer this week is our Senior Designer Anitra
and as always our lovely sponsor is The House Across The Bay

I hope you will take a minute to check out the projects from the rest of the DT here at Papercraft Star ... and join us in celebrating Fathers Day!

Thanks so much for your visit 
Keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. WOW... love your mini... the embellishments used are so beautiful and yummylicious... Love it Ros... hugs..xoxo

  2. Beautiful album, Ros, and a lovely remembrance for you of your father! You always do these books so well! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. Such a lovely way to remember your lovely dad on fathers day, Ros. Love everything about your little tag book. Lovely photo's, too x

  4. WOW!! What a FABULOUS mini!! LOOOOOOOOVE this!

  5. A darling and very personal album to cherish your dad Ros, even though we don't have our dads anymore they will always be in our hearts, won't they? And by creating something for them we are still connected... Ira x

  6. Oh Ros - after looking at this my eyes are just filled with tears. What a lovely tribute to your father, I can feel your loss so deeply. Sometimes we just have to do these things for ourselves don't we. ♥♥♥♥ -J-

  7. Ros, your tag book looks AMAZING!
    Hugs and smiles

  8. I am speechless; This is a gorgeous tribute to your father. I know for sure he is so proud of you. You created somethn that is priceless; a little peek into your childhood and lovely memories of your father. Breathtaking and heartwarming.

  9. Love Dads memory album
    ps thanks for becoming a follower

  10. Love the Dads memory album great idea just for fathers day.
    Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog.

  11. What a precious, precious gift to yourself, Ros! Gosh, you've used so many delicious details here, and your photographs are amazing! TFS!

  12. What a lovely tribute to your dad!!!

  13. Hi! This is so beautiful. You can tell he's your Dad- definitely looks like you. I love that it's such a lovely keepsake of both of you x

  14. This tag book is amazing! I love all the beautiful embellishments you added. :)


  15. What a precious memory keepsake of your father! Mine passed many years ago too..still so sad! This brought a tear to my eye! Thanks for sharing it, Ros!

  16. It's wonderful Ros. The pages are so fun with all the different parts and pieces and I love your running theme with the sentiments. Awesome project! Hugs!

  17. WOW! What an amazing tag book you have created. Love all the little elements you added. Your work always inspire me my friend..


  18. Oh Ros this is so beautiful! From the sentiments to the stickers and embellishments. Such a lovely way to honor your father.


  19. Ros that is just fantastic! What a beautiful keepsake.

  20. Wow! Now isn't that a great idea... Beautiful!


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