Tuesday, August 14, 2012

City Crafter Challenge

The days and weeks are flying by ... Here we are ... Tuesday already and time for another challenge at City Crafter Challenge Blog ... hosted for us this week by Cheryl 
Cheryl has chosen ... "That's a Fabrication" ... to use Fabric as part of our project

I had a little 4 draw box that I bought ages ago ... and I really should have photographed it BEFORE I altered it ... so sorry ... I just got carried away
Anyway that's my project for this week ... an altered box

You may be able to see that originally it was a green and white spot on the outside and pink inside

That was before I covered it in self adhesive fabric from Papermania

The hard part was getting those little handles off ... I re-attached them using brads with buttons glued on

It was a happy coincidence that the paper was also fabric related ... and with a few little extras - 
The large reel and pins from my friend June ... 
The ribbon tape from sweet Jan 
Scissors and small reels I bought from Here
image from Crafty Secrets
and buttons from my stash
It all came together to make a sweet little sewing box

June even put a tiny sewing machine charm on her reel

Now our lovely Cheryl will be taking a blog break from City Crafter and we will REALLY miss her ... But this is a very busy time for her so we send our love and very best wishes for the upcoming family wedding... 
That means this week we will be introducing a brand new member to the team ... I'm sure lots of you will know her from her fabulous work ... Welcome to Charlene Cundy of Expressions of Me

Ok, so now it's over to you ... The team at CCCB have lots more inspiration for you and our Guest Designer this week is our winner from Week 117 Catherine
If you would like a chance to win a Guest Design spot ... just link up your entry before 11. 59 pm (EST)
20th August 

Thanks so much for stopping by 
Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh wow WOW WOW Ros... I love your altered box... its so so pretty...I love just about everything in it... You are amazing !!! Hugs...xoxo

  2. Oooohh this is just gorgeous, Ros. I love the self adhesive fabric, I've not seen this, is it new ? All the little embellishments are very sweet. Deb x

  3. Estou maravilhada com sua caixa!!! A pequenina máquina é um show a parte! Ficou incrível na frente, em cima, inteira! Uma peça linda para ficar exposta e ficar olhando...

  4. Love your altered box Ros!! Such fun fabric and the tape measure is a fun addition :)

  5. This is sooooooooo DARLING! LOVE it! I sure will miss you ALL!! HUGS!

  6. WOW Ros what a fantastic box!! You did a fantastic job on it! I bet all those drawers and corners were tricky!

  7. What a fun piece, Ros, I love your papers. All the little bits make this a perfect box. Have a wonderful evening.

  8. You just did a wonderful job altering this box Ros! Goodness, it´s beautiful, down from the papers to the embellishments! Sigh!

  9. What a fun project Ros! I love all the little sewing detail! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Amazing, utterly amazing! And what a clever way to re-attach the handles.

  11. My oh my girl you have outdone yourself....I lvoe the mix of that gorgeous fabric and the lovely embellishments....wow!

  12. Oooooohh that's so lovely. Love the fabric and all your embellies.

  13. Oh my stars.. You have me drooling all over my computer once again. I just love this. Once again I have to say you rocked this challenge my friend..


  14. This is so cool Ros! I love that little box and the sewing theme fabric papers are awesome. Really fun! Hugs!

  15. Wow this is stunning!
    Beautiful work Ros:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  16. Oh, my gracious! This is ever so fun, Ros! LOVE those gorgeous corals and greens! And I bet it fits perfect in your creative space!

  17. In one word... AMAZING!!! I love the paper!!

  18. Awesome altered project, and sew sew sweet too!

  19. just awesome ! love all the sewing notions you incorporated

  20. What an amazing project...so darling...what a cute piece to display in a sewing room...so creative and fun...I love it!!


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