Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hello ...
I'm not feeling too good today ... even though it's warm outside ... I'm feeling cold and tired
I probably need a holiday and some relaxation! Which, as it happens is what our challenge at 
Papercraft Star this week is all about. 

Our featured designer using digitals from our sponsor THATB is Sylvia, and as always both she and the rest of the ladies on the DT have created some wonderful inspiration for you ...

I too used digitals from THATB ... to create a whimsical holiday card 

I just love that balloon image ... Not that I would ever take a balloon flight ... I don't do heights! I'm ok in a plane or anything that's closed in ... but a balloon basket ... heck NO!

I used 3 images from #106 and one image from #045 ... with digitals you can alter the sizes and even the shade if you want 

My favourite postcard stamp from Papermania I used on the background ...  and 2 stamps from Eline Huis on the little piece of fabric ... which I attached with a pin by Tim Holtz

two little stickers from my stash just complete my card ...
I guess this is the nearest I'll get to flying away for a while ... how about you?

Please take a minute to visit the blog and check out the inspiration on offer there ... I'm looking forward to seeing your fabulous creations this week ...

Ok ... time for a warm drink and a paracetamol ...

Have a lovely day and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. I just love this card !!!!! Gorgeous images, and love that you stamped into fabric. Hope you feel better soon. Deb x

  2. Beautiful card!!! Ros... Love the fabric Postage... Awesome... hugs..xoxo

  3. Another really lovely card, Ros. I love the stamps and stickers you used. Such a sweet touch with your little pin, too x

  4. Wow Ros I love the collage look to this card. The stamping on the frayed fabric looks great. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  5. Hope you feel better! Hugs!! GORGEOUS card!

  6. Oh poor you. Tired and rundown? Not good - looking at the card it's obviously not affecting your mojo!! :-)
    I could do with a holiday too- do you think if we both packed suitcases ( full of crafting stuff of course) and nipped away for a couple of days, anyone would notice we'd gone?! Superb card- love all the different textures too! x

  7. I am so sorry you are not feeling well, Ros, I hope you feel better soon. I love what you did with the balloons, unlike you I would love to take a balloon ride even though I am afraid of great heights as well. This particular collage sheet is one of my favs as well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. Wonderful collage Ros, I, too, love your stamped fabric, looking good! Hope you're feeling a bit better now? Take care, hugs, Ira x

  9. So pretty Ros! Love the postage collage!

  10. Yum! What a way to show off those digitals, Ros! And that bit of pinned canvas adds just the right amount of texture!

  11. Beautiful card!
    Hope you're feeling better Ros, take care.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  12. This is sooo pretty! Great texture and beautiful papers.

    BTW, I spied your rooster card...genius! The rooster isn't really my thing, but that card is amazing. I hope you submit it for publication. My jaw is really unique and beautiful.

  13. I really like those balloons Ros. They're colorful and fun and this card just makes me smile. XX

  14. What a fabulous card. I also love that balloon image. And I love the way you stamped onto the fabric. Nice touch..


  15. Dear Ros
    Your holiday card is lovely but it is no substitute for the real thing. I hope you get your holiday soon and that you feel better very quickly.
    Sending you healing vibes from Oxford.

  16. Gorgeous card Ros.

    Sorry to hear youre not feeling weel, get better soon.

    Jak x

    PS. Hubbys the drill man in our house and he drilled the stone, I dont watch just ask for it to be done haha...but I will ask x

  17. Lovely, wonderful vintage feel...hope you feel better, I think I now have your "bug"...have been sick all week!

  18. Love the hot air balloons, Ros! So many wonderful elements!


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