Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Saturday

Hello ... Happy Saturday to you!

I just heard that I won Chic of The Week at the Just Us Girls challenge and I am thrilled!
I can honestly say that I really did not expect that ... not only were the entries all so good ... but I very nearly didn't bother to post my card ... Being as it was something so different from my usual style ... I was a bit unsure about it ... Just goes to show!
Thanks ever so much to the ladies at JUGS and to all of you lovely people who took the trouble to leave me comments and to congratulate me ... It's so very kind of you and you made my day!

I have nothing crafty to post but I do have some funny photos which I thought all my American buddies would appreciate given your long hot summer ... These were sent to me by my sweet aunt ... 

You know it's been a long hot summer when you see these

Have a beautiful weekend ...

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh my goodness... how funny!!! Thanks for sharing!
    Congratulations on your win, Ros!

  2. Congrats Ros... great to start your weekend... hugs..xoxo

  3. Cute!
    It has been a hot summer here in Austin...but not as bad as last year. It is raining today-yay!!!

  4. Parabéns amiga querida por ganhar o desafio! Vou lá escrever um comentário para voce!! E que fotos engraçadas! Obrigada pela alegria neste sábado de manhã!! Bom final de semana!

  5. Fabulous photo's Ros, they all seem quite real. It has been warm this year, but last summer was hotter. At least this year we got some rain. It is 72 and raining as I type. It has rained all night and I am loving it! Happy Saturday to you!

  6. Love all your pics and congrats on your chic of the week win!!!

  7. I love the photos! All those sweet and smart animals, that knew where to get refreshmnents :>)
    Enjoy your weekend, Ros.


  8. Such beautiful photos!
    Thanks for sharing:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  9. Well done Ros!!! Very well deserved win! And I love these photos, poor thinggies :))

  10. congrats on your win and those pictures are too funny!

  11. Congratulations my friend, so happy for you! Your lovely photos leave me with a huge smile on my face ;-) Have a great Sunday, hugs, Ira x

  12. Conrats Ros!! Yup its been hot, thanks for sharing all those cool pics...

  13. Awwwww! They're all lovely, Ros. I love sweet animal pictures x

  14. Wooops! Forgot to say...Congratulations! on your win! x

  15. Congrats Ros! And a huge thanks for the chuckles. I think the big dog in the ice cubes is my fave. LOL Hugs!

  16. These are all such cute photos. They have me smiling.. Congrats on your win my friend. Your cards are always so beautiful.


  17. Congrats on your win!!! And thanks for the smile!!

  18. congrats on your win! What fun photos ~ did you take them all?

  19. Congratulations - and thanks for the pics! Surprisingly, my favorite is NOT the moose but the raccoon!

  20. Super cute and funny photos...and congrats to you for winning at JUGS...I loved the card myself!!


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