Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Good morning
I hope you are well ...
Today we have a brand new challenge at City Crafter ... brought to us by Linda ...
Linda is asking that we create a monochromatic card or project 

Our Guest Designer once again is the uber talented Rebecca Deeprose (Paper Primrose.com) ... A winner and spotlight artist of CCCB  
If you have time this week ... and would like a chance to guest design here at City Crafter please come along and join us ...

I played with the soft neutral tones this week

All my papers digital  ... even those little bees ... or perhaps they're wasps ... paper ones are the only kinda wasps I like!

I started with a digital paper by Pink Petticoat ... Here
Then added a free paper from Astrids Artistic Efforts ... Here 
which I overlayed with the chicken wire overlay from Here
The bees are from my all time favourite The Graphics Fairy  ... I printed and cut various sizes and glittered their little wings

 The flower was made using lace, faux leather and a ceramic earring
You can just notice a little TH tissue tape there too and black stitching ... my machine hates black thread ... hence the uneven stitching ... Finally a computer generated sentiment to finish my card ... swiped with Antique Linen distress ink ...

I loved this challenge and can't wait to see your creations ... right now I'm off to the blog to see what the rest of the team have created ...

Thanks so much for stopping by and thank you for your lovely comments ... I really appreciated each and every one ...

Keep Safe

~ Ros ~


  1. I love this - love the colours and what you have done with the bees (they have to be bees!). Beautiful.

  2. Just lovely. love how you've 'Ros'd up the inspiration photo. The Bees and flowers look so restful- in fact I'd quite like to live in that card right now! x

  3. Que lindo, querida Ros...Seu recorte nas abelhas e suas ideias de sobreposições digitais me causam alegria visual!!!

  4. So pretty Ros! Love the bee hive background and that beautiful blossom!

  5. Oh my what a wonderful card. I just love all those bees. And the background is perfect.. Hope you have a happy week my friend.


  6. Who would have thought that there are so many different beautiful shades of white and you've managed to combine them so beautifully Ros. Love your lacey flower! Ira ♥

  7. Lovely neutral card, Ros, I am like the others I love the "bees"! Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  8. This is so pretty, Ros. I love those sweet bees, you cut them out beautifully. Love their sparkly wings! x

  9. So sweet... Love it Ros... Hugs...xoxo

  10. Beautiful Ros..I love the soft neutral color with the very cool flower and fun bees.

  11. Fabulous creation! I love those sweet details, they are wonderful! And what a fun surprise, we both use the same color scheme, maybe we just think alike in many ways!!!! : )

  12. I am loving all the neutral tones and sweet little bees. :)


  13. This is so pretty!
    Beautiful colours and details:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  14. Another beautiful creation! Love how you used the earring! And maybe this card helps improve the reputation of wasps...

  15. Ros that flower looks great, and the bees/wasps on the background are perfect!


  16. AHA! I'm not the only one with bees on the brain this week. LOL Those glittery little devils look awesome on that hexagon paper. Another stunner Ros!

  17. Really pretty, Ros. Bees are having a hard time and tis is like an ode to them to let them know we are on their side:)

  18. So GORGEOUS! Absolutely FANTABULOUS job with the challenge!

  19. Ros - gorgeous, gorgeous! Love the bees, the honeycomb, the big amazing flower.

  20. WOW ! This is so pretty !! Great color ideas. My sewing machine hates black too, isn't that just weird.

  21. Wow! So many FAB layers, Ros! LOVE the chicken wire and the sparkle on the bees! BEAUTIFUL flower, too!

  22. Beautiful card, Ros. I love your lace, faux leather and ceramic flower :)


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Your thoughts and words are always very much appreciated.