Friday, October 19, 2012

Melissa Frances

Hi there ...
I am really feeling rough ... and may be MIA for a while .... But I have some lovely news to share which has brightened me up no end ...
This little wall hanging, I made way back when, is being featured on the Melissa Frances Blog today!!

I am so thrilled!
The original post is Here if you want to check it out ...

As it happens I had planned for my Thursday group make a wall hanging last night using those lovely dies from Nina Brackett ... I cut out 25 of those houses, 25 sets of wings ... 25 hearts... not to mention countless butterflies, backgrounds, flowers and clouds ... Alas I was too sick to make it 

Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by 

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, I am so sorry your are sick, what a terrible time to feel under the weather. What a silly phrase, but the best I could think of. I am hoping you will be feeling better soon! Congrats on your feature!Happy Friday anyway!

  2. Congratulations, that's so exciting! I hope you'll feel better soon... I wish I could send you some of our sun and 24°C today - it would surely help.

  3. Oh, that must be so exciting for you Ros, well done! This is such a beautiful wall hanging so I am not surprised it's being featured. I am so proud of you! xx

  4. I am so happy for you! That is awesome to be featured on the MF blog.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. :)


  5. What wonderful news about the blog feature! Not such good news to read you are not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and congratulations on your feature!


  6. This lo just absolutely beautiful! Love everything about this sweet, pretty project!

    Hang in there my friend, big hugs!!!!!

  7. Ohhh...Ros...sinto muito e desejo que logo melhore...E que bela alegria saber que voce está novamente lá no blog melissa Frances!!!

  8. Oh, so sorry you're feeling poorly. Praying for your recovery, dear friend.
    Congratulations on being featured on the MF Blog... that's such an honor! Am thrilled for you! This is gorgeous... no wonder it was chosen!!!

  9. Congrats my friend, so very happy for you! No wonder that you got featured, for this is such a special creation! Hope you will soon be on the mend... take care, sending lots of love your way, Ira xox

  10. Not surprised this was chosen for the blog. I like MF products. Hope you feel good soon.
    Take care, Ros.

  11. Gorgeous wall that little house...great dies...congrats for being on the MF blog...but it doesn't surprise me as your creations are so beautiful!....hope you feel better soon...I look forward to your posts!!

  12. I am so sorry to here are not feeling well. I do hope you are feeling better soon. Your card is gorgeous. I just love the cream colors you used.


  13. Oh Ros I hope you're feeling better. Congratulations on your feature at Melissa Frances. I'm not one bit surprised. :-) Sending you well wishes! Hugs!

  14. Congratulation Ros, I'm so happy for you!
    Your wall hanging is absolutely stunning:)
    I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Take care.
    Big hug from me:)

  15. I love it Ros... so sweet... You nailed it... So you... hugs...xoxo

  16. well NO WONDER mf featured this, it is an ♥AMAZINGLY♥ lovely advertisement for those gorgeous papers!!! (& i'm sure your group will LOVE making these next week, luckily paper doesn't go stale, eh?!?!) feel better!!! ♥♥♥

  17. Huge congrats Ros! Your card is beautiful! Off to leave you some love ;)


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