Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pink Christmas

Christmas is drawing ever nearer ... And at Jingle Belles this week the prompt is 
Pink Christmas ... Being that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month

For this challenge I re-aquainted myself with some old friends that have long been neglected... my embossing powder and heat tool ... to make a clean and simple card

I stamped the baubles from an Urban Stamps kit onto pink MME paper and then embossed with silver embossing powder

That centre heart was a scrap from another project ... waste not want not ... 

Just a little lace, a few pearls, pink bows and silver thread ... and all done!
Now I have the hang of embossing again ... I may just do more 

I hope you are having a good day ... 
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful card!
    Pretty details:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  2. SO SO Beautiful!! I love the texture and the soft colors :-)

  3. What beautiful and soft ornaments, Ros! I am sure someone out there wishes they had ornaments for their tree like these. Those colors in your card are so lovely! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  4. I'm loving all your details Ros, the embossed ornaments, the bling!!Beautiful:)

  5. Oh my, what a gorgeous card! Reminds me I need to get going on that challenge... had planned on entering more than one card so as to have them raise more money...

  6. OH my goodness what a beautiful Christmas card Ros! I am totally inspired by this "pink" Christmas!


  7. Ros, I love your beautiful embossed ornaments! The pearls and lace add a lovely touch!

  8. So sweet and beautiful!... hugs...xoxo

  9. Wowza ... those embossed ornaments are so classy (and I'm sure your neglected friends were glad to see you) ... so glad you went pink for a cure with us at jingle belles.

  10. This is so very pretty, love the soft pink and the ornaments, they look so delicate and beautiful! I really really love this!

  11. Yes, Ros... please do more embossing. This card is amazingly beautiful.

  12. Truly gorgeous Ros, really love this delicate colour combination and fine stamps you used! Hugs, Ira x

  13. "Just a little lace, a few pearls, pink bows and silver thread"... and a BOATLOAD of talent and design skill, missus, don't forget that!!! (b/c i am secretly convinced that the most pared down C&S cards actually take the most thought and planning!!!) love♥LOVE♥looooooooove this beyond measure! it is absolutely always a treat to come and visit your glorious creations! ♥♥♥

  14. Just STUNNING! LOVE those ornaments!

  15. Beautiful Christmas card - love all the embossing.

  16. Shimmer, shine, and texture galore! Stunning Ros. :-)

  17. Loving these pretty pink and sparkle fun to see the pink and silver!!

  18. Ros, LOVE these GORGEOUS embossed ornaments! So PRETTY!

  19. WOW girl! Those ornaments are stunning. I love the embossed look. The card may be CAS but it has lots of stunning detail. :)


  20. These are 'knock my socks off' gorgeous ornaments Ros!!!! Love the embossing and colors...makes a beautiful card, but they deserve to hang on a tree!!


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