Wednesday, December 05, 2012

CAS and Gold


I am feeling better today and here to share my DT project for Papercraft Star... 

The challenge this week is to Make a holiday card and use Gold on your project ... Jan has given us this lovely inspirations photo 

I am not good at using gold ... I don't know why that is ... I guess maybe I just prefer silver ... I'm like that with jewellery ... not a high maintenance gal at all!
So I kept my card simple this week ... I have a saying ... "less is more if you're unsure" ... 

I used glittery gold self adhesive paper for this card ...I find this colour gold a little more subtle and easier for me to work with

The sentiment is a Pink Petticoat digital (signature sentiments) and the bubble letters were in my supplies ... no idea where I got them. The bell was silver but I sprayed it with white paint and the ribbon was rescued from a gift box

I actually really like this card ... So thanks to Jan for pushing me ... 

One of the things I love about challenges is that they take you out of your comfort zone and help you to grow ...
I hope you will join our challenge this week ... don't forget to stop by the blog and see what the rest of the team have come up with ... each of us has a different style so you're sure to find something to inspire you ...

I'm off to the hospital again later so I wish you  a peaceful day and keep safe 

Thanks for visiting me

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh my, you sure did a lovely job with this challenge, perfect and beautiful! Glad to here your Aunt is doing better, I just sent my Aunt that was forced to go to a nursing home one of my cards...I feel so bad for her as she had to give up her home...and it has take a toll on my 85 year old Mom...well....have a nice week and take care!!

  2. Beautiful card, love just the touch of gold, I don't like too much gold either.
    I'm glad you are feeling better today, best wishes to your Aunt, when you see her. Deb x

  3. Beautiful card Ros... I'm glad you are feeling better today... thinking of you...hugs...xoxo

  4. Gorgeous!!! Love your white jingle bell!!

    Deanne :)

  5. Your card is just gorgeous, girl... but I haven't been able to get around the last couple days and am shocked at all that's happened to you and to your dear aunt. Have prayed for you both since reading your posts. I'm glad that everything seems to be going better and will keep praying.
    Hugs to you both!

  6. Ros that is a great saying! I think your less is more has turned out to be one stunning creation! The ribbon looks so delicate with the card and painting the bell white is so creative. Wishing your Aunt continuing recovery.


  7. Well I think you did a fabulous job with including the gold. Your card is stunning! Love everything about it!

  8. Lovely card, Ros, your gold bits are perfect! I do not use either gold or silver well either, but I like to try every once in awhile! Your card turned out beautiful! So glad you are doing better this morning. We are a nice 48 this morning, my kind of weather! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. This is a lovely card! Sorry to read about the health scare with your aunt and hope she makes a speedy recovery. She is fortunate to have such a caring niece!

  10. You and two are very much alike in that respect Ros, for I'm not a 'gold lover' either ;-) but you sure made a wonderful card with the fab fishtail! Ira x

  11. Just popping in to say how wonderful your new blog background looks, it's a fabulous photo! Ira x

  12. I have to say that I like silver better also.. But I do love your card. So pretty my friend.


  13. Beautiful Ros...I really like the subtle gold and the pretty layered fishtails. Hope you are staying warm.. I would send you some of my wonderful warm weather if I could:)

  14. Gorgeous card, Ros! Such a lovely design and papers x

  15. So pretty! And I know the feeling of getting taken out of your comfort zone - you excelled!

  16. Your card is gorgeous!
    Beautiful details:)

  17. Brilliant!!!!! Love love love this!!!

  18. I really like the shape of this Ros and I think you used the gold perfectly in a Ros way. :-) Hugs!


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