Friday, December 28, 2012

Make a Wish

Hello sweet friends ...
How are you?
I am on the mend ... I was able to cook our Christmas dinner and it was such a lovely day ... 
I am taking things easy as I know I am not back to full health yet ... This is the second bout of flu I've had in as many months ... But it seems that in 2013 I qualify for the flu jab ... so here's hoping I wont catch it again for a while ...

Tomorrow is a special day ... my beautiful son reaches 30 ... I can hardly believe it ... seems only yesterday he was a little boy ..  full of life and constantly on the go ... I've watched him change from a blond little bundle of energy ... to a tall dark handsome young man and every memory is etched on my heart ... 
This is the card I made for him....

I stamped a Happy Birthday sentiment in Versamark and embossed it using clear embossing powder onto black paper ... backed it with paper from PaperMania ...

I rolled some little candles with some scrap paper and added string for the wicks ... The sentiment is computer generated and the bow I cut by hand ... 

You know he loves his cats ... Gipsy and our new addition Ginger ... so I had to add these little guys to the inside

The weather here is so very dull and drab ... miserable is probably the right word ... I am so looking forward to Spring ...

Have yourselves a wonderful day ... Thanks so much for all your lovely comments

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Happy belated Christmas!! Hoping you're feeling stronger every day. Hope Mike has a lovely day tomorrow. Your card is perfect; love the little cats inside! Look forward to catching up once you're feeling better xxx

  2. card is si beautiful! happy birthday to your big boy, Ross! let his life be happy and full of beautiful dreams come true!
    happy holiday to you both! hugs!

  3. What a wonderful card, Ros, and so happy that you are on the mend. My daughter's birthday was yesterday and my son who is here for a bit has his 30th on Jan 1! Amy is the oldest and Andrew the youngest and both so much fun! Happy Birthday to your son, and Happy Friday to you!

  4. Glad to here you are on the mend, poor you. What a fab masculine card, happy birthday, Mikey. Deb x

  5. Stunning card Ros, pretty and a "man" card all at the same time, - very clever! Glad you are feeling a bit better and I hope your son has a fab day tomorrow!!

  6. Wonderful card for a young man...clever idea to roll the candles!! Hope to see you post a pic of your "new" kitty :>)

  7. I'm so glad your on the mend! Being sick is terrible! My sweet daughter turned 30 in January and will be 31 already OMGosh it goes so fast!!!! I love the card, and he will too!! :-)

  8. Do get better, you have had more than your fair share of flu.
    Your sons card is the candles one for each decade. The weather is dull here too. I like dull, but even I have had enough of dreary weather. See you in the spring.....I love that time of year."......perfection.
    Xxx sue

  9. Oh, he'll love that card!! And the Gipsy and Ginger look-alikes are the perfect touch!

  10. Happy Birthday to your son. He is going to love it. I am glad to hear you are on the mends. Take care my friend.


  11. What a great card for your son....He'll love it. I know exactly how you feel, as my son turned 30 last year....where did all the years go? Did you know that you can get flu-jabs at any Pharmacy for £10, worth every penny. My lad is a Pharmacist, so he did mine this year ;-)
    Hope you have a fab day celebrating, when you're feeling 100% xx

  12. Happy Birthday wishes to Mike! Lovely, lovely card Ros and those 2 sweet kitties are a great touch!

    Thank you for being such a lovely blogging friend and I wish you a wonderful, happy, healthy and very crafty New Year! :) xx

  13. I love the way you did the candles! Such a brilliant idea :-)

    Happy crafting!

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE this card, Ros! The black embossing is so manly and those candles are Divine~! Plus the kitties on the inside just warm my heart! Glad you are feeling better! A trip to Florida would warm you right up!

  15. Fabulous card, Ros, and a belated Happy Birthday!! to your son xx

  16. I'm glad to hear that you were at least able to celebrate Christmas properly Ros! And what a lovely card this is for your son, the cats are such a witty addition, too! Ira

  17. First of all, happy birthday to your son and I hope you get well soon! And I forgot to say on the previous comment, have a wonderful time at the new year's eve party, I am so happy that you are going out to have some fun!!!!!
    Lovely card, your son going to love it, especially with those cats!!!

  18. Glad you are on the mend Ros :) Hope you son had a wonderful Birthday. Your card is GREAT...I love love those very cool candles you made, so clever ;)

  19. Such a fabulous masculine card for your son. Totally LOVE the sweet little kitties on the inside. :)

    Love your new background on your blog too. :)



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