Thursday, January 17, 2013

30 and counting!

Hello ... so nice to have you here today ...
So far I have received 30 birthday cards and still they are arriving!
I am so lucky to have so many lovely friends ... speaking of which I would like to share a few gifts that have been sent to me ...

 Kirsty my dear friend sent me this beautiful card and gorgeous crafting goodies

Aren't they lovely! And to see how beautifully she wrapped them ... check out her post Here

My sweet friend Ira from the Netherlands made this incredibly detailed book ... and inside was a beautiful necklace and cat ring!

My photos are not very bright due to the weather ... but please hop over to see Ira's photos Here

Some lovely people live in the Netherlands and another one of them is my dear friend Stella ... who sent these gifts and beautiful card

Just look at that pretty bracelet ...

And this morning yet another package arrived ... this is from the lovely talented Linda Robinson

Oh my ... what beautiful things for me to play with and such an adorable card!

I really can't believe just how lucky I am ... Starting a blog was the best thing I ever did .. I can't imagine life without you all ... Every day I am excited to visit you ... to learn from your creativity and to have you in my life ...

Thank you all so very much

~ Ros ~


  1. Wow, what a lot of wonderful gifts and cards, Ros, keep celebrating as I am sure that there is at lest one more to arrive! Have a wonderful Thursday!

  2. Such lovely card and gifts, blogging really is a wonderful thing. I hope you had a good birthday. Deb x

  3. You are truly a lucky and blessed woman to have so many lovely friends.

    Hope you have many more birthdays adding new friends and having new adventures.

    Happy Crafting

  4. Really wonderful gifts! To my mind only a kind person may have such good friends from all over the world! )) Happy B-Day from Russia!))

  5. So glad your goodies made it.. Looks like you made out girlfriend. Have fun creating..


  6. Happy Birthday Ros...and a great New Year as well :)
    BEAR hugs

  7. Wow! That has to put a smile in your heart!!

    Deanne :)

  8. If there is anyone who deserves to be spoilt rotten it certainly is you...I am so happy you liked it and had so much fun putting this little gift together! Enjoy!
    Sending love...XXXXXXXX

  9. So happy for you Ros! You deserve to be placed in the spotlight, how wonderful to see you've got so many lovely friends! Ira x

  10. Happy Birthday!

    What a great post to enjoy on this Winter's day... I have been busy with some decorating and craft projects this week and behind on reading my emails and posts. So glad I stopped in to enjoy your site!

    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless....Brooke
    My home and garden site...
    My Vintage Art and Printables site...

  11. Muito sortuda mesmo amiga! Isso é reflexo de sua própria alegria e amor que oferece aos outros! desculpas novamente... e parabéns...

  12. I hope you had a lovely birthday .I loved the little card with the cat on the front, I popped along to Linda's blog in the hope she may have mentioned the company who makes it . LOL the stamp was given to her by you ,so do remember where you bought it,I would love one for myself.

  13. Well, it seems I missed your birthday....Happy "belated" birthday!!!! We left early on this day to head "north" for some winter sports, of which we never got to attend, as the day we were going to the event, we decided we had better head home as the weather was to turn "ugly" for us to drive the next day...a foot of snow, blizzard like conditions and freezing anywho...would you email me your address, and I would "LOVE" to send you something from email address is you!!

  14. :-) Can't wait to see what you create with all these lovely supplies!


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