Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Papercraft Star Challenge

Hello ...
My Aunt and I are going into Lincoln City today ... there's a little bus that comes to pick us up and we are also brought back home a couple of hours later... I'm quite looking forward to it!
Because we leave early(ish) I've scheduled my DT post for Papercraft Star where the challenge this week is simply "Hello"

I made my card a few weeks ago and I really couldn't think of anything to do at the time ... I loved the pink colour in the photo Jan picked for us 

Which is really what got me started and eventually it all came together

The lovely scalloped card was sent to my by Jan and I cut some banners from my scraps and stamped across them with my postal stamp from Kaisercraft ...

The sentiments stamps are from WaltzingMouse and I punched some butterflies out of scraps and then added liquid pearls

I'm itching to get into my craft room right now ... even though I am having a lovely stay with my Aunt ... I am so relaxed 

I hope you are all well and having a good week too ... maybe you'll find time to join us this week at Papercraft Star ... the rest of the DT have some lovely creations up on the blog to inspire you ... hop over and take a look.

Thanks so much for stopping by today and for all your lovely comments ... I really appreciate you taking the time ...

Keep safe

~ Ros ~

I totally forgot to mention our exciting news at Papercraft Star! We have a new Designer on the        team ... The talented Allisa Chilton of Rocky Mountain Papercrafts .. Welcome Allisa! Please pop over and say "Hi" and be inspired by her beautiful work.


  1. Mmh....delicious eye candy!!! The lovely butterflies are the icing on the cake! I wish you and your aunt a wonderful day!! Hugs, Uli

  2. Mmh....delicious eye candy!!! The lovely butterflies are the icing on the cake! I wish you and your aunt a wonderful day!! Hugs, Uli

  3. Beautiful card, Ros. I love the stamped collage, I have that phone in silver, wish it was pink like the one on the picture. Have a great day. Deb x

  4. This is such a lovely card, Ros, love your use of pink here! So happy you and your aunt are getting some time together. Hope your outing was a fun one. Have a wonderful Wednesday and a nice visit.

  5. Gorgeous colours and I love the banners and butterflies.

    Have a nice day in the city with your Aunt.

    Chris xx

  6. Beautiful Ros! Such a sweet shabby chic creation. :)


  7. LOVE the postage stamp, something I've been itching to add to my stash. Such a pretty card Ros!

    Deanne :)

  8. Your card is beautifully stamped and layered, Ros. I love the colours and papers! I have recently bought that stamp but haven't had the chance to use it.
    Hope you enjoyed a lovely day with your aunt in Lincoln City xx

  9. Ros, this is such a beautiful card!! I love what you've created!!! Just gorgeous! Hugs, Rebecca

  10. Pink YUMMINESS! LOVE the banners and postal stamps you added! And here I thought the card had to have a phone on it! YIKES! Your Hello card is just GORGEOUS!

  11. Gorgeous make and I so love that Postage stamp! Looks stunning the way you have used it!!

  12. Oh my goodness girly what a gorgeous card. I am loving the stamps on this.
    I hope you have a fun day out.


  13. This is such a pretty card! I love that soft pink, I think you gotta use more pink Ros, as you make them look extremely sweet and beautiful!

  14. Oh la la! Tres chic my friend! Love your card, beautiful shabby chic French theme - just gorgeous! Hope you had a lovely time in Lincoln City!

  15. Beautiful how included the colors of pink and black....a beautiful~beautiful creation!! Glad you and your Aunt are having a great time.....I can't wait til the day I can get out and has snowed for at least 48 hours and I am so ready for Spring!!

  16. Wow! so pretty Ros! Love the soft color palette and beautiful postage theme!

  17. Love your VERY beautiful card Ros!! Hope you had a fun trip with your Auntie ;)

  18. Lovely, Ros! The layered banners and butterflies are super sweet!

  19. Gorgeous card! Love all the great layering! Glad you are having a lovely time with your Aunt.


  20. So delicate in colour and so beautiful. Hope you enjoyed your outing

  21. Gorgeous, gorgeous!!! Love that postal stamp, Ros... and the pink... so pretty!
    Glad you're relaxed and having such a nice time. There's nothing like sharing time with loved ones.
    Have a wonderful day!

  22. Oh so pretty!! The little pearls on the the j and the i are a perfect touch!

  23. What a delightful looking card with that fine stamp again Ros, love how you positioned your fishtails, too. Have a great time with your aunt! Ira x

  24. Love the mix of elements on your card, gorgeous!

  25. I'm so glad your having a great time with your Aunt! I love your card Ros and LOVE that postage stamp!!

  26. Oh Ros the colors are magnificent. I always like your vintage stamping and the stitching looks so pretty. I see some fishtails too. YAY! :-) Hope you trip with auntie was fun. Hugs!

  27. Absolutely gorgeous!
    Beautiful design and pretty colours:)
    I'm so glad that you and your aunt are having a great time together.
    Have a wonderful weekend, hugs:)

  28. Oh wow. This is gorgeous! I love the beautiful stamping and the pretty pink.

  29. gorgeous and romantic. love the French style


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