Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pink Pooch

Hello ...
I'm not feeling my best today ...  Tired and bleary eyed. Gipsy had me up since 4am ... She wanted to go out and despite the fact that we had a beautiful sunny day yesterday ... the temperature dropped last night and there was a frost ... Obviously she wasn't happy about that so she growled and she hissed and spat ... I've cared for dozens of cats over the years ... even feral ones ... but Gipsy is a one off ! I've never known a cat to be so angry about the weather ... Thankfully the sun is shining again and she is has gone out

I've been playing with my scraps again ... This is not my usual colour .. or style 

But everything was from my bits box ... when I cut all the fishtail banners for my group to make Valentine cards ... I was left with those little "V" shaped banners ... shame not to use them ... and the smaller scraps of paper I glued together which is the top half of my card

The little dog I stamped ages ago but never used it ... She reminds me of Mona Pendleton's little Gretchen ...

The Shabby Tea Room are having a pink party ...

... So I'm going to link this up there just for fun ... Well, she does look like she's going to a party with her pretty coat doncha think?

Have a lovely day ...

~ Ros ~


  1. Hope you get your energy back soon, I know what it's like to miss sleep. Your cat is hilarious. If I was a cat that's how I would be.
    I love using up scraps, though you say it's not your style, it looks great!

  2. Lovely card Ros! Your Gipsy is so funny! Our Kropek doesn't mind bad weather. He loves going out in the rain, comes in soaking wet, cries a lot to make fuss of him and dry him out - just to go out again 10 minutes later... lol :)

  3. I just love how using up those bits and pieces come so well together, and this one is no exception!! Very cute....and love the little doggie stamp...hope she behaves at the party!! I had to laugh at the kitty...I kind of feel like her right now...where is that Mr Sun with some warmer weather...I think he has been kidnapped!!

  4. She'll be the guest of honor at that party! Cute card!

  5. Oh my goodness, Ros, this card couldn't be any more darling! I adore all the bits and bobs of treasures you used from your stash and that puppy is precious dressed in her sweet little pink coat! Reminds me of how I dress my little toy poodle girl!! Thanks for sharing with us in the Tea Room, sweetie :)

  6. Your card looks very cute, Ros. You made lovely use of your tail off cuts, and I love your sweet pooch.
    Gipsy seems to hate the cold weather as much a I do...Bless her! x

  7. Ha! Sounds like Gipsy and I have a lot in common, lol! How wonderful to see a totally different style Ros! What a sweet way to incorporate those pinks, most adorable!

  8. Funny little dog! )) and nice story about your cat! ))

  9. Very pretty Ros with the cutie little guy and the fun pennants with button ;) Hope you get some rest. You made me laugh at Gipsy's reaction to weather! My Petunia has long hair and doesnt like the wind...I tell my husband I think animals wackiness are a reflection of their owners LOL

  10. What a fun card, Ros, I love how you pieced your background and the dog is so cute! Hope you got more sleep today! Darn that cat! Have a wonderful Friday.

  11. Greetings from Sydney Ros! This card is sooooo cute! I love the pup sporting her pink sweater! How precious! Reminds me of my sweet girl Gretchen :)

  12. Your card is so cute. Love the cute little dog image you used. My cat has no clue about the weather. When it rains and that hardly ever happens she will run out in it and turn around and come back in. Without saying a word.


  13. Absolutely adorable!! I love the pink, I love the cute doggie, love everything about it!!

  14. This is darling! Love the pink papers and the dog is adorable. :)

  15. Well it may not be your style,but you did it well. I wish I was as thrifty as you with my scraps. Hope you're feeling much better. Hugs!

  16. Such a darling card with banner and buttons! Love all the pink and the sweet adorable dog!

  17. Wow Ros you are coming up with some very creative ways to use up those scraps. Adorable card!


  18. Feel Better! Your pooch reminds me of Mona's pooch, too! Though not your usual style, it turned out really pretty and how great that you used scraps! Personally i LOVE the pink!

  19. Hope you are feeling better, Ros! I love that girly pup! Tha banner is pretty sweet, too!!!

  20. Your card is gorgeous!
    I love that sweet dog:)
    Beautiful details.
    Hugs, Heidi:)


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