Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Shades of Pink

Good morning to you!
It's time for another challenge at City Crafter Challenge Blog where we have sweet Linda Robinson hosting for us .. This will be her last challenge ... sadly we will be saying farewell to Linda in a few weeks ... I'm really going to miss her ... and I know you will too
The challenge this week is Shades of Pink

Linda wants us to make a project using this lovely colour palette

I am embarrassed to tell you how long it took me to make my card ... For some reason I just could not get it together ... I decided that Pink was just not my colour ... Funny thing is that after I made my card I went on to make quite a few in pink with no trouble at all! 

So here's my card 

This is on it's way to my sister for her birthday

I think I got every shade of pink in there eventually lol! And a couple of punched leaves for the green

I'm sure you guys will have no problem with this challenge unlike me ... 

Our Guest Designer for the next 4 weeks is the lovely Wendy from Apple & Apricot blog
Be sure to visit CCCB and check out all the creations from the lovely DT

I'll be back with you tomorrow ... till then
Keep safe and have a beautiful day


  1. Ros, it's wonderful card! I really like the pink bow! ))

  2. Such a pretty card, Ros. I love your beautiful satin bow with butterfly and rose trim. Such lovely paper tails, too x

  3. Gorgeous card, Ros, beautifully designed, love that ribbon! so hope you have a beautiful day!

  4. Beautiful pink card....I think you did a wonderful job with it...matches the "pink" challenge perfectly!

  5. Hello dear Ros, LOVE your pink card!! I had some troubles with the pink this time too, must be the dreadful weather we had for so long, lol :)

    big hug, Wendy

  6. OMGosh, Ros! This is so PRETTY! LOVE the banners and the flowers!

  7. Oh my gosh. I didn't even think about that. This is "MY" last challenge. I am going to miss this so much. Thanks for the shout out my friend. And for having a tough time with this card it looks fabulous.. I LOVE it.


  8. You just got to get into the PINK mindset. It is lovely, I'd never know that you struggled. I love pink and green as a colour combo

  9. Oh, what a beauty! And yes: you really can do pink. Maybe it just had to grow on you.

  10. A fantastic card, I like it when you do Pink, trust me, you are good at the color!

  11. It is beautiful Ros! I love your shades of pink and the bow is so very pretty with the butterfly and flower in the center :)

  12. This is one sweet card, love those pearls!

  13. Your card is gorgeous!
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  14. Your bows are always so perfect Ros, and I would never had guessed you had trouble with pink, for you do pinks extremely well, too! love the fishtails, so pretty. Ira x

  15. Wonderful layout and yummy scrummy pinks. :-) So pretty and girly. Lovely card Ros. :-)


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