Saturday, April 27, 2013

50th Birthdays

Hello ...
Happy Saturday! 

We've been invited to a friends 50th Birthday party tonight ... I showed you the card I made here and yesterday we got another invite ... also to a 50th Birthday party ... but this time for a male friend ...
Fortunately for me I just received the lovely MME Be Amazing paper pad which is just lovely and inspired me to make a card for our male friend ...

Just a little piece of one of those papers ... the lovely hexagon pattern which I cut into a shape - then added some stripped Washi tape and some twine....

The '50' and the stars were cut on the Cameo and the 'Wish Big' stamp is by PTI stamped in Teal Zeal Momento ink by Tsukineko and the 'Enjoy' stamp is by Waltzingmouse

Seems like my mojo is slowly returning ... I even managed to make 2 DT projects yesterday and I did a canvas project for my club last Thursday ... something quite simple for them to assemble 

On the news front ... well my sweet Aunt is going to have a hip replacement on Wednesday! Yep, just like that!
Whilst we were away ... DH's cousin had a fall and broke her hip so is also in hospital right now.... Which is a blessing in disguise in lots of ways ... She is more than 10 years younger than my aunt and the total opposite - She is very hard work and not capable of taking care of herself, her home or her finances. We are the only ones who look out for her and anyone who has had to deal with Social Services and stubborn relatives will know just how hard it is and how much stress it can be. Thankfully she is in a safe place ... being looked after and is doing very well ... 
The next few weeks are going to be hectic family wise - I'm praying that my Aunt will be fine and praying that my brother and SIl have a happy outcome where Sophia is concerned ... I can't be all places at one time ... God willing I can jiggle things so that I can support them all ... 
But first ... a Party to get ready for ...

Have a beautiful weekend ...

till soon

~ Ros~


  1. Ha, I love that 50th birthday card - such a good idea cutting the hexagon paper in shape. It looks wonderful with all the other "touches". And the Thursday Club project is very cute, too - they must have loved it!
    Sorry to hear about your aunt's hip replacement and keep my fingers crossed that all will be going well.

  2. Male cards can be so tricky, but this one looks great!

    Hope all your family issues will sort themselves out....

  3. They are both beautiful:)
    Hope everything will be alright with your family. Take care Ros.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  4. Both of these projects are awesome Ros! I bet your friend loved his birthday card and your second project screams pure sweetness!

  5. Wonderful masculine card Ros. Prayers to you and you family for good health.


  6. Wonderful card and canvas!! You've nailed masculine cards(i always struggle with those) Have a great weekend:)

  7. Loving both cards Ros.. they are beautiful!!! So sorry to hear about your Aunt.... hopefully everything will go as planned... hang in there... hugs...x

  8. What lovely work you have accomplished.
    Sorry to hear about your aunt and cousin, but they sure are blessed to have you taking care of them.

  9. So many things going on at the same time, please wish your Aunt and your DH's cousin well from me Ros. Love both of your cards, the hexagon version is perfect for a guy and the birdcage just so sweet! Hugs, Ira xox

  10. What a great, guy card, Ros! LOVE that yummy paper! Don't stretch yourself too thin, my dear. Big hugs!

  11. I was thrilled to see you "male" card, as I need one for the 3rd of May...and I am terrible at them, so yours gave me some ideas!! The club card is lovely and they will love making it I am sure!! Your family sounds like mine, "when I rains, it pours" as they say....I hope everything settles down for you!! And my mojo is slowly returning as well...maybe ours was off somewhere together for a!!

  12. Very cool man card Ros, perfect for the 50th! You dimension card is GORgeous, I love love it :) Have a great week!!

  13. Wow- beautiful cards and so much happening for you right now. Hope you manage to sort through all the tough stuff and be a great support. Hope your aunty's surgery goes really well.

  14. Your card is fab for the occasion of a 50th birthday, Ros. I love your layout.
    Sorry I've been missing for a little while. Life has not allowed me the time to craft, or blog. But hopefully everything will be back to normal, soon. But you do tend to lose your mojo when you haven't made anything for a while.
    I hope all goes well for your aunt this time. I've had both my hips done, and I've never looked back. The pain before I had the op' was excruciating!! xx

  15. Beautiful card, Ros, and beautiful canvas! You have been busy, love all your projects! Hope you are having a good start to your week.

  16. I'm glad your mojo is back , although I never saw it leave :-)! These cards are wonderful!!! LOVE the 50 one especially :-)

  17. Stars and hexagons, birds and butterflies...two delightful cards, Ros!

  18. Love your 50th Star card and your card for Kirsty too. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment on my blog. ~Diane

  19. LOVE the hexes and the stars for the 50th and your project is so Pretty! You sure have your hands full with family stuff. Thoughts and prayers are with you my friend!


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