Tuesday, April 02, 2013

City Crafter Special Challenge

Hello and good morning to you all ...
I hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend ...

Are you ready for a Special challenge at City Crafter
This week we will be sharing projects using goods kindly supplied by Madeleine at

A friendly UK based online craft store for all your needs which you can visit by clicking Here

This week each of our 4 Designers have chosen a product they would like you to use on your project ... 
My product is Pearls

To qualify you need only choose One of the products but of course you can use 2,3 or all 4 if you wish
To see what the other designers have chosen and for full details ... you need to visit the CCCB blog ... And there is a mystery prize up for grabs this week too!

Ok, on to my projects 

Using the products supplied by Craftsite - which I will list at the end of my post ... I've made a handbag card, an album and a book box to hold the album ... all papers are En Francais by Prima

First up is my handbag card which I just cut free hand and used a Sizzix circle die for the handle and a PTI die for the butterfly

The only things added from my stash are the leaves cut from burlap ... the little metal handle holders (from an old handbag) and a mobile phone charm - I also did some stitching - you can click to enlarge the photo

Stickles and pearls on the butterfly and a strip of the pearl flourish on the bottom of the 'bag'

This is the book box to hold my album ... again just cut free hand and covered in the lovely Prima papers ... I also cut pieces from the papers like those little tickets to use as embellishments 

I added liquid pearls to the pretty Prima En Francais flower stamp 

The box is decorated inside and out 

and here is the front of the album

The card stock ribbon and lace are from my stash as is the pearl brad and diamante but everything else in and on this album come from Craftsite

There are lots of pages in the album ... far too many to show today

So if you would like to see more ... please come back on Thursday when I will share each individual page for you ...

Here's a link to the rest of the Designer's blogs so you can check out their lovely creations

 And don't forget to go and visit the Craftsite store and browse the lovely goods...
With grateful thanks to Madeleine

Thanks for stopping by ... Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~

Supplies Used:


  1. Omgosh ros that purse card is stunning I will have to pin it my mouth is still hitting the floor lol !! And your other creation are spectular too !!

  2. Ooooh, this looks fabulous!! Never heard of that company before.... off to investigate and I look forward to Thursday!

  3. Gorgeous projects, Ros, love all of them, but the purse is fabulous! Such a fun challenge! Have a beautiful Tuesday, Happy April!

  4. Such gorgeous creations, Ros. I love everything! Those papers and the colours are really lovely. You embellished your handbag beautifully. I am going to have good browse around their store xx

  5. Golly, Ros!
    All I can say is WOW!

  6. Ros, this is a beautiful set!!! Love the purse card, and the mini album...wow...love it...I have a couple started, maybe this get me to finish them!! Always a pleasure to see your work!!

  7. wOOw! This is such a stunning set Ros! I love the papers, the pearls, flowers and everything really!

  8. WOW-wee, girl! You've outdone yourself! LOVE all the pearls on this trio of gorgeous projects! Absolutely stunning!

  9. Ros, I am just in AWE of your post! Every single item has so much thought and BEAUTY! LOVE the handbag card! Amazing! LOVE the box! GORGEOUS! (LOVE the scallop inside! FAB detail! And the album just leaves me speechless!!!!

  10. Oh My goodness is this one AMAZing collection Ros! You outdid yourself. They are all really gorgeous :)Hope you have a fab week :)

  11. I'm drooling over these fabulous creations of yours Ros! And now I understand your remark some time ago even better, lol! Who needs Vuiton when they can have a real ROS? Love your photo album, too, great use of those gorgeous papers!! Hugs, Ira xox

  12. Oh My gosh Ros!!! I love these...!!! You are amazing my friend... the bag is so beautiful..the box..the album... of my!! I love them all... totally im so swoon!!!TFS... hugs..xoxo

  13. This is absolutely stunning
    DIANA L.

  14. Beautiful creations! I especially love that purse! Wowza!

  15. Quite the assortment there and every one of them fabulous. You really put these goodies to use Ros. Love each and every one. Hugs!

  16. WOW - stunningly beautiful set of 3! I´d love to own such a pretty handbag in real life :-)
    Have a nice Wednesday!

  17. Gorgeous vintage work, I am in awe!

  18. Wow Ros, what an impressive project. I will be back to see the rest of the album. It is all so beautiful!

  19. Beautiful work Ros. Fantastic challenge at City Crafters. Regards Meighan

  20. Wow this is fantastic!
    Beautiful work Ros:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  21. Fabulous projects. Love them!
    Tine :)

  22. Looking at your projects I can only sigh. I have been away too long; sorry... This is a wonderful post to start; you made jaw drop. Elegance, soft, chic. Just perfect; not too much but a lovely choice of design, embellishments, papers and colors. Wow!

  23. I have to say I am truly speechless. All your creations look amazing. So much wonderful detail and design went into your project this week..


  24. WOW WOW WOW, what an amazing project!!!! Well done Ros!!!!

  25. Beautiful set of crafting creations, love them all. Suz xx

  26. Fantastic project and the scavenger hunt idea is awesome!!

  27. wow- thats fantastic how you create all!
    Hello from Elma

  28. Holy smokes! This set is gorgeous! Your execution is so precise...perfection! The pocket book is devine!


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