Sunday, June 16, 2013


How are you?
I'm back from beautiful Lincoln where I had a lovely relaxing time with my Aunt who is doing so well ... I did miss my supplies though ... especially as I had some new papers arrive just before I left ...

 Today we were out celebrating a special someone's upcoming 4th Birthday 

Yes my great niece Sophia is growing up ... and it just wouldn't have been the same without her cousin Ross ... These two adore each other

... And yes I had to join them in their little circus tent! All I can say is thank goodness I did Pilates for years ... 

I managed to get a DT project done yesterday and using the scraps I am just about scrapping in with a card for the challenge at CASology ... which is simply "Yellow"

Pink Petticoat have a new range of (digital) ombre papers as seen on my card ... I really love them

So a very quick and simple CAS card using Pink Petticoat papers and PTI dies

... together with a Kaisercraft stamp ...

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday and a Happy Father's Day!

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. This card might have been quick but it looks very sophisticated! So glad you joined in on the fun at CASology this week!

  2. fantastic card... can't believe you made it with just scraps!! thanks so much for playing along with CASology!

  3. Ros, I love the collage-feel to your card, yet it remains CAS! The soft yellow tones are lovely, too. Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

  4. I love how your yellow fades across the card - perfectly subtle under those lovely vintage images! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  5. Happy birthday cute Sophie!!!!
    I love that soft yellow on your beautiful card!!!! Wonderful work Ros!

  6. What fun photos Ros! Love all the postage images on the card! such a pretty butterfly!

  7. Very nice card! I love the stamps! Photos are so lovely! ))

  8. Where's the photo with YOU in the tent! I scrolled down to see that one! LOVE your CAS card which is just so Pretty! The lines a re clean but all together with the postal stamp and the big hello - it has great impact!

  9. Cute pic of your niece and nephew Ros, but Im thinkin you should have show us a pic of you in the tent also! Love your card! The cream and white are beautiful together and love the image ;) Fab job! Have a great week!

  10. Hi Ros~ Love the way you used those postal stamps..totally charming and the sweet, soft colors create a delightful feeling but you know what they say about never sharing the stage with children ;)) Sophie and Ross have stolen the show!!!! Hugs, Rebecca

  11. Sophia and Ross are having a great time playing in their tent, such a fab one it is, too! It´s always good fun having kids around, even if it means playing snake woman, lol! Love your CAS card with that fine stamp Ros, that yellow shade looks gorgeous! Hugs, Ira x

  12. Great pics, Ros! So glad to hear you're having fun! And I still haven't bought that stamp. There's just not a lot leftover every month for extras, but I still love every ounce of it! Yum!

  13. Such sweet photos and a beautiful card. I like the neutral tones. :)

  14. Happy Birthday to Sophie.. such cute photos you got. And I love your card.


  15. Ros, I've got to Pin this card. I love how interesting it is, and yet it's so clean and simple! Well done!

  16. This is so striking Ros. Love the ombre effect and the whole card design. Glad you had such a wonderful visit. Hugs!

  17. Pretty card, Ros, love the pale yellow and gray! Fabulous photo's of Sophia and Ross, I am sure you had a wonderful day! Happy Tuesday!

  18. the simple effect to this.

  19. Gorgeous!!! You always have the perfect touch!! Sweet kiddo's, too...look how much fun they are having!!

  20. A beautiful CAS card! And thank you for sharing the pics of sweet Sofia and Ross;two cuties :)

  21. Hello Yellow :)
    Gorgeous gorgeous. Everything about it. Your cards are always so beautiful and inspirational. Which inspires me to learn more about the art of cardmaking, which till now wasn't exactly my cup of tea :)

  22. PS: What a sweet looking girl Sophia is. Looks like she's having great fun with the cozy tent. And yes, good thing about the pilates indeed, lol.

  23. Fabulous card!!! Love all the stamping! Cute photo of the little darlings with the circus tent!

  24. Beautiful card!!!! lovely photos too Ros... Awesome... hugs...x

  25. Wow! Just from scraps! Excellent! Love the sweet kids...having so much fun!


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