Sunday, June 30, 2013

Today's The Day!!

I'm really excited because today is the day that 
opens and I'm lucky enough to be part of the team

This is NOT a challenge blog ... but a place to share photos 
I just LOVE seeing photos on your blogs ... seeing the world through your eyes...
Each one of our team comes from a different part of the world .. we live different lives in different climates 
 Our creator, my sweet friend Kirsty realised that it would be such fun to share not only our lives but our thoughts in a way ...

Every week there will be a word prompt chosen by one of the team and we all submit a photograph of what that word means to us and we are asking that you join us too!
Please hop over to the Blog for all the details and to see what our team have come up with ...

I would like to point out that I am no expert when it comes to photography and I don't own a fancy camera either ... just an Olympus digital so please don't think that you have to be any sort of expert to join in with us ok?

Our first weeks' prompt was chosen by Wendy ... Her prompt is
"Waking Up"

... And my photo ...

Ha! you know I'm British ... I have to have my cup of tea in the morning!
 I love solitude in the morning and time to wake up ... my DH is the opposite ... full of questions and chat ... until I've had my quiet time and tea you approach me at your own risk Lol!

I'm so looking forward to seeing photos from the rest of the team and we would love to see what "waking up" means to you
So grab your camera and have a beautiful day!

~ Ros ~


  1. What a lovely photo, makes me want to sit right by you and share. Mind you I will be quiet...

  2. Beautiful photo Ros! Fresh strawberries... yummie. Enjoy your Sunday! Hugs, Wendy

  3. LOL. Yes, some days I do feel like that, just need coffee and quiet :).

    Comforting photo!!.

  4. How I would LOVE to wake up to that! Beautiful photo and I just LOVE this blog! YOU are perfect to be a part of this FAB team!

  5. Hi Ros...have popped over from the new your photo...very British indeed!
    Alison xx

  6. Love the Pic Ros!! Such a yummy wake you have there. I had to laugh, Im with ya, I like to wake up quiet and my husband is like yours chatty ;)

  7. Congrats on your new adventure Ros!

  8. Beautiful picture Ros, I would like to have tea with you in the morning, I promise I won't talk! LOL!
    Thanks for joining me on this new journey my friend, I always enjoy your company! : )

  9. I'm a tea lover, too, Ros, but I'm not British ;). Such a great pic! LOVE this idea, and I'm hoping to find a little time to play along. Cross your fingers. Hugs!

  10. Such a fun way to show your photos and share life in pictures, Ros.
    I'm like you and enjoy a quiet start to my day.....fortunately, my DH likes to be quiet, too.
    Thank you for sticking with me during my lapse of blogging xx

  11. Yummm... strawberries and tea. Love your Paris mug, Ros! Now, I must go check out this new venture.

  12. I am already behind this week, Ros, love how you start your day! Mine is making breakfast and watching Wimbledon, alas no strawberries or coffee for me! Your photo is fabulous. Hope your day goes well and a bit warmer.

  13. What a great way to get cracking in the morning Ros, that's a lovely mug you have there! I'm all chit chat, too, every time I wake up, doesn't matter whether it's at night or morning, although growing older makes me more quiet, too. Ira x

  14. A nice cup of tea sounds good, but four cups sounds much better, I love tea and I love your beautiful photo.

  15. You are too funny, Ros! I am the same way...don't speak to me until I've had a cup of coffee!!!

  16. I love your photo. Looks so calming. You are living in Wales? Oh wow!! I saw your photos up the and they bring so much memories! I remember Llandudno, Gwynedd, Llanfar...gogerych....( I can't remember it now! Lol! ) ...beautiful Wales! I would love to take my family there one day..... And we can have tea!
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog!


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