Thursday, July 25, 2013

Working with Digitals and Happy Birthday!

Hi there ..

I mentioned yesterday that I've done a tutorial which is up on 
Well, in case you are interested in how I change my images to transparencies ... like I did
for my tray ...

I've put together a simple method that I use ... Using another lovely image from 
This is my first video tutorial  and as I said - I am no expert, everything is self taught and I've no doubt that some of you may know a better method ... 
In answer to emails I've had I hope that my method will explain what I do and maybe give you a chance to try it out ...

Also today my sweet blog friend Stella (A little bit of the things I enjoy) is celebrating her birthday

Happy Birthday Stella!!

Yes, the card I showed you yesterday was for her ... and I'm sure she would be thrilled if you pop over to her blog and left some her love ...

A few places for you to visit

Link up your photos

Big Giveaway at Papercraft Star this week plus a New look! Check it out ...

Aways a fun challenge

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. So enjoyed your card for Stella and the video, Ros, your tray was lovely as well. Have a sweet Thursday, eat some ice cream for Stella!

  2. Thanks for all your fabulous knowledge. That tray is beautiful and thank you for sharing the information on how to do it. :)

  3. Ros, this is a great tutorial. Although I'm familiar with PSE I've not tried deleting a background using your technique - it's much easier the way you do it :o)

    Chris xx

  4. It was a very informative video, now I need photo shop....I saved it in my folder "tutorials" so it will easy to find...thank you so much, it was a wonderful video!!

  5. Lovely video, Ros!. Very clearly demo and I think I might just be a little braver to try this :). HUGS.

  6. You did a great job for your first video, Ros...well done! Your video is really helpful. Thank you for doing it for us. I have a PC and use PSP, but I assume they are very similar. I have been thinking of getting a Mac, but I have so many software appliications and other stuff, and stored over the years on my PC, and I'm unsure if I would still be able to use it with a Mac xx

  7. Hi Ros.
    Hope you are ok!
    Thanks for the video, I will enjoy watching it at the weekend, I am off to London and there is so much to do, so I will watch it when I get there.
    Hope you have a good weekend
    Sue xx

  8. Hi Ros, For some reason Im unable to view the video, dumb computer but Im sure you did a fab job on it! Have a great weekend ;)

  9. How lovely to hear your voice now as well Ros, what a wonderfully patient teacher you are. I am using Photoshop myself, am not familiar with Elements but I enjoyed your splendid and clear tutorial immensely. You should do more videos, you're good at those! Ira x

  10. This was so helpful Ros! There have been tons of times I needed to get rid of backgrounds. My programs are a bit older I think than what you are using, but I should be able to figure it out. Thanks so much for sharing this! Hugs!

  11. A very beautiful card Ros, love the hydrangeas, thanks for your wonderful tutorial.

  12. Your tutorial was the best tutorial for photoshop I've seen Ros. I've never understood it because generally it goes so quickly I can't keep up, being so visual. Thank you so much for your creative teaching...I actually think I have a chance now of using my elements! I love your style. HeArtfully Yours, Samara

  13. Such a wonderful Tutorial my friend.


  14. Your card is gorgeous. I love it to pieces and you spoilt me rotten......Thank you for being there; you are an amazing friend...XXXXXXX

  15. Ros, love seeing how you do it! The only thing I can do any graphics is because of a program on my Mac. Thank you for always leaving the sweetest comments. I am not on goggle plus, so I was never able to leave you a message. I don't know if I never noticed your blog links before, I could never find a way to get to your blog, but, I found it now. I love it



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