Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hedgehogs and heartaches

Hello ...
Well the heat here has caused me sleepless nights ... but more than that my husband's cousin ... who you may remember from previous posts fell and broke her hip in April has been hospitalised once again after only being released into a nursing home a few days ago.

Having spent the last 3 months in 2 different hospitals - social workers, contrary to our opinion, decided that she was fit to go back to her own home this coming week but things have taken a turn for the worse ...

 Yesterday we were informed that she had  fallen in the nursing home but was 'fine' ... an hour later she was rushed into hospital ...
At 4am this morning we were called out to the hospital ... It's not looking good at all and we are having a little respite before going back to face whatever will be ...

So what's a girl to do? Breathe deeply ... trying to dispel the frustration and anger brought about by those who would not listen ... stay calm and stay strong ... and fold book pages ...

This little guy cheers me up ... Just an old book with a simple fold

I had a notion that I could write down my words of anger and frustration onto little cards and put them here ... instead of keeping them inside
Perhaps I will ...

.. after all it's a prickly situation

Time for some tea I think ...

Till soon 

~ Ros ~


  1. I seem to have missed your last few posts, Ros!
    Sorry to hear about your dilemma, but I know only too well how people making these decisions can cause us so much heartache and grief. I hope all goes well for your husbands cousin.
    Your hedgehog is fabulous, and your idea of what use to put him to is GREAT!
    Hope you manage to get some power naps to catch up on your lack of sleep. I've been the same...we haven't had the chance to become acclimatised to this heat wave after such a long cold winter xx

  2. Your hedgehog is darling! I am so sorry for the frustration you are having to go through. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  3. So sorry to hear about your husband's cousin Ros, but I have to say, you could not have found a better way to deal with it! This hedgehog is too cute for words, so very very clever!!

    Hang in there!!

  4. So sorry to hear about your husband's cousin, a frustrating situation indeed. I will keep your family in my prayers and thoughts.
    The little hedgehog is darling and a very clever idea you have to tuck away your thoughts.
    Take care.

  5. I am really sorry to hear all this sad news and I know how frustrating this can be :(. I hope things will turn out OK though... this little hedgehog is sooo cute!

  6. What a mess. :-( So sorry Ros. I'll be praying for God's hand on the whole situation. I know hedgehogs are prickly little fellows but yours look awfully sweet to give him a pat for me. Big hugs!

  7. Cute hedgehog Ros! I'm sorry to hear the sad news. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. This is just the cutest thing, maybe you gotta do a tutorial for that too!
    Thinking of you and all.....

  9. Oh no Ros, not again... your husband's cousin isn't spared much, nor you two, for that matter... Let's hope for the best, shall we?
    Your cute little hedgehog book, however, is soooooooooo sweet! He leaves me with a huge smile on my face! Did you know that every summer we have a real one in our garden? He comes out later in the evening and walks around the lawn, disappears in the bushes and then returns again, such a marvel! Take care, Ira x

  10. I could write a long comment but I sent you a mail. Thinking of your cute hedgehog...XXXXXXX

  11. Ros so very sorry to hear about your husbands cousin! I know it is soooo frustration when people wont listen and then the results are bad! I pray she will recover. The little hedgie is darling and a splendid idea to get rid of the ill feelings! Take care my friend!

  12. I need a hedgehog right now, too! So so sorry about the fall. So sad. CUTE creation, though

  13. So sorry to hear your news, Ros. I hope everything turns out well.

    I love your hedgehog, very cute and your idea of writing down your thoughts sounds like it will be good for the soul.

    Chris xx

  14. Awwwwww, that's so cute!!!!!
    Take care sweetie, big hug...

  15. Ros I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's cousin. What a good idea to create this little cutie and write your frustrations down.

  16. Such a cute little guy, and to think how many books I have "donated" and could be putting them to some "other" use!! I am sorry about your cousin, and since I am reading these "back words", I already know the outcome, and am so very sorry for your family...thoughts and prayers are with you!!

  17. Oh, I'm so sorry, once again, for the outcome of the situation, Ros. Sending you lots of love and big hugs! And your little guy is such a treasure. Absolutely adorable!

  18. So sorry about your news, Ros, but I do love how you handled it. The hedgehog is wonderful! Praying for your family!


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