Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summertime at CCCB

Hello and good morning from a wet and windy Merseyside!
It's just a respite we are told ... the hot weather is set to return for a while ...
But over at City Crafter it's still good weather

Our lovely hostess this week is Wendy 
and her chosen theme is 

(Create a project that has something to do with Summer)

I made three postcards

I had some scene paper by Kanban in my stash which was just perfect for these ... I scanned the paper into my computer so I could print it to the scale I wanted and also add a little bit of effect on the first card

This was printed onto canvas paper after I added the vignette effect in iPhoto 
I then stamped, coloured and paper pieced the little boat ... stamped some birds, a sentiment and added a few shells

The second one I printed onto ordinary card stock and stamped a little deckchair which I coloured and paper pieced ... a few embellishments just add a little extra to the postcards

This last one was again printed onto canvas paper ... love that stuff ... and simply stamped with a little embellishing too

The reverse of the postcards looks like this

A little bit of stamping onto kraft coloured card stock and some creativity in photoshop

I've realised that I have a 'thing' for all things beach themed ... Guess you realised that too from my last post ... So I am really looking forward to seeing your summer themed creations
And talking of postcards ... my blog friend Barbara took a trip to Paris recently and sent me this postcard

Completely unexpected ... Thank You Barbara ... it was so sweet of you to think of me!

Our Guest Designer this week is our winner from week 158 -  Rina Meyer of the Scrapbook Fashionista - please hop over to her lovely blog and take a look at her beautifully embellished designs
... And don't forget to check out the designs from my lovely team mates at CCCB

Thanks so much for your visit and for all the lovely comments you leave me ... I'm very grateful

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. What a wonderful set of postcards, isn't feel great when you can make your own!

    ~ greetings from Grafing, Munich.

  2. I love your postcards - fabulous idea to take the basic paper and then add all your own details. Especially love the little piece of net and all the shells! x

  3. Great cards, really love the summery feel of them!

  4. What a beautiful postcard set! I love the beach theme and fabulous little details you added. :)

  5. Every time I see one of your beach creations I feel I need to go and LIVE there right now! And these once - again - are gorgeous!

  6. Oh Ros, they're wonderful! I love beaches, lived very close to one for years and was spending a lot of time there. The sound of the sea, the sand under your feet... Your beautiful cards remind me of those peaceful moments. Hugs

  7. I think it would work great in your shower room. The papers are wonderful and from someone who lives in flip flops during the summer they TOTALLY represent the beach and summer in general. Looks awesome Ros! :-)

  8. Clever, clever Ros. Each one is a work of art that captures scenes of the seaside perfectly. Hugs!

  9. Ros those postcards are fabulous!! I love what you did with each one, perfect beachy summery postcards :)

  10. Hello
    I love the banner of your blog is just adorable it has all the things that i like...as for your cards they are gorgeous! I love all the scenes and the embellishments that you added are so precious!

  11. Beautiful postcards with beach scenes...so pretty!

  12. Love those postcards, Ros, they could have been bought or sold at a trendy tourist shop!

  13. Your postcards have the right feel Ros, lovely beach themed, such pretty colours, really wonderful! Ira x

  14. What a beautiful set of Postcards!
    Pretty colours and lovely details:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  15. Those postcards are just beautiful- just right for summer!

  16. LOVE these postcards, especially the one with the black edges!


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