Tuesday, August 20, 2013

City Crafter 1-2-3

Hello and Good Morning!

I'm hosting this week at City Crafter and the challenge I've set for you is called 


I want to see your creations using
1 Stamp
2 papers
3 embellishments

Just to clarify ... You can of course also use Card stock and we will count buttons, pearls, sequins and the like as 1 item

Ok ... that's simple enough don't you think ...

I used 1 stamp from Waltzingmouse
2 Papers ... MME and First Edition
3 embellishments ... A flower, a doily and a pair of Die cut clock hands

The lovely Sue Lelli has been Guesting with us this month and this is her last week ... 
"Thanks Sue! ... we've loved having you here"

... And if you'd like a chance at Guest Designing with us just link up your entry this week 

Don't forget to visit the blog and check out all the creations from our team ...

Thanks so much for your visit - I'll be back tomorrow ... 
Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. 1 I love pink and grey
    2 nice composition
    3 pretty result

  2. So lovely, Ros. Love the tiny touches like the spiralled stemmy bit that add the perfect touch. That rose picture is stunning too- I love roses- but why don't they smell anymore?!

  3. Beautiful, Ros! I love your layout! Your clock hands look really lovely x

  4. Gorgeous card, Ros, I love the clock hands and the pretty colors! Have a wonderful Tuesday evening!

  5. Beautiful Beautiful Ros!! I love the soft colors, dp, pretty flower and the clock hands add a fun quirkiness!

  6. Gorgeous card Ros! Love the clock hands and the beautiful blossom!

  7. GORGEOUS, Ros! LOVE the Pretty inks and the clock hands with that Gorgeous Ros! Pretty papers and banners too!! FAB card and Lovely inspiration photo!

  8. Such a pretty card, I love recipe challenges like this. Have a good week. X

  9. Beautiful Ros!!! Love every inch of this beautiful card!

  10. What a lovely card - so light and happy... perfect for the occasion!

  11. Oh this is sooo lovely! Love the soft feminine shabby chic look of it, - great card!

  12. Wow! Just a few elements but boy is it stunning. I just adore those clock hands Ros. Truly beautiful! Hugs!

  13. That is just soooo elegant Ros, love to see those fine hour hands again, how wonderful to combine these with a rose, so stylish! Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  14. Love this soft color palette! The clock hands behind the beautiful flower is making me swoon!!!

  15. Soft, pretty, dreamy, and just plain gorgeous!!!

  16. Loved your gorgeous card and the awesome challenge, great recipe Ros!

  17. Beautiful card, Ros. Love the soft colours and your embellishments.

  18. Beautiful! Love the doily and clock hands coming from the rose. :)

  19. Such a lovely card...very pretty!

  20. Swoon! This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Ros! Really love the soft blues and pinks, and those clock hands are such a playful touch!


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