Thursday, August 22, 2013

How Did I Do That ...

Hello ... Thanks for looking in
So I promised you yesterday that I would tell you how I made my paint splat background on the card I posted yesterday for Papercraft Star

This is the background before I added the cut out lattice effect

It was all done using Adobe PSE on my iMac and if I can do  - it believe me anyone can do it!

So rather than write a long boring post ... for those of you who would like to know how to do this and make your own backgrounds ... 
Hop over to 

where I have done a step by step video tutorial and please let me know what you think ... was it helpful?
Be kind ... I'm a little shy about doing these things! 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. have just watched both of your tutorials on the Our Beautiful World blog and am excited about trying some new things now~!

    you did a spectacular job of making everything very clear and have inspired confidence.


  2. That would look great on a canvas Ros! Love your splats, will check over on the blog for your tutorial! Have a wonderful afternoon!

  3. You create such beauties with you computer, Ros! Love the splatter ink background!

  4. Thank you for your tutorial, Ros. You did a great job of explaining everything x

  5. Awesome tutorial Ros! Thanks for sharing!

  6. No way! I honestly thought you used paint to make this background, you clever girl!
    Ira’s Crea Corner


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