Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Wonder .....

Hello ...

I'm travelling to Lincoln today to spend time with my aunt - She's had a couple of falls this week though she assures me she is OK - I want to be sure. So my post this morning is prescheduled.

It's a new prompt at Our Beautiful World and the prompt has been chosen for us by the lovely Shahrul
The prompt is "Wonder"

I confess with all that's been going on here lately - I haven't had a great deal of time to be out and about taking photos ... Sometimes life just gets in the way ...
But on one of our rather hot days ... I did notice a blackbird ... way up in the trees and he looked like he was sunning himself. He had his wings spread right out ... I wonder if he knew I was watching

I've noticed that lots of the Magpies have lost some of their feathers ... I read about them molting and whilst they are not my favourite birds ... I kind of feel for this this guy who regularly visits and takes the cat biscuits ... I wonder if he knows how sad he looks

This next photo I pulled from my archives ... It was taken a few years ago on a visit to Derbyshire ... I can just imagine those ducks saying "I wonder where the water went"

All of nature is a wonder to me ... We have some amazing things on this planet of ours ... I will leave you with a shot of a white butterfly who thought I wouldn't see him against the white flower

... so delicate and beautiful 

Hop over to the blog and check out the photos from the rest of the team and please link up your Wonders this week ...

Have a lovely day 

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Lovely photos Ross and I hope you have a good day at your aunts!

  2. I love your photos, Ros!
    Nature is a wonder. I never stop wondering at it, even if I go to the same place every day, there is always something new to enthral.
    Have a good Sunday!
    Sue xxx

  3. Beautiful photo of that white butterfly! Love your wonder-photos and story. Nature is such a beautiful thing to wonder about. Wish I had come up with something like that, I had a little bit of trouble this time, couldn't come up with something.
    It looks beautiful there in Derbyshire with the old houses.
    I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, so sweet of you to check on her if she's okay.
    Hugs and safe travels! xx Wendy

  4. Beautiful post Ros, I love the lovely shots you share this week. Safe travel and take care!

  5. What a sweet post, Ros!!:). LOVE these birds, I bet they know that you're admiring them. Animals & plants do feel the good vibration if we send forth LOVE to them and if we are calm enough, they might come closer :). I love to go visit Derbyshire one day, and make a round to see Mr. Darcy's Pemberly. I'm such a dork, LOL. Hugs.

  6. Beautiful photos, Ros. I have never seen a Magpie, he looks pretty to me...I wonder what he would look like with all his pretty feathers you are talking about. I will have to look him up. :)

  7. If you have an inquisitive mind there's always so much to wonder at and you have done just that dear friend. Love your wonderful photos, nature is magical... Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  8. Ros do hope you are having a great visit with your auntie! The photos and captions are so perfect for the I wonder, beautiful pics my friend :)

  9. Such pretty photos Ros! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hope you have a good trip and everything is alright with your aunt Ros. The pictures are wonderful and I truly agree about the wonders of nature all around us. Hugs!

  11. Ros I hope your Aunt is O.K.! Your a great niece!!! Love the picture od the black bird!

  12. Beautiful photo's, you captured the magpie so well. I hope you Aunty is well, enjoy your time in Lincoln. Deb x

  13. What beautiful photos. I do hope your Aunt is OK..

    Happy Monday my friend.


  14. Lovely photos, Ros. Enjoy your trip to see your aunt, and I hope she is okay after falling x

  15. Magnificent post so full of wonder, I wonder how you spotted that white butterfly, such an awesome pic! Nature has a way of drawing us in...Love visiting and seeing your wonders Ros!

  16. Beautiful photo's Ros, our world is indeed beautiful and full of wonder! We are blessed.

  17. Wow! Gorgeous photos! Love those bird photos. We've had several baby birds around here this year such as killdeer and cardinals that truly make me feel blessed with seeing such darlings! Thank you for sharing all the lovely photos!

  18. Nature is wonderous isn't it? Lovely photo's..and such a fun blog, quite a nice break from our papercrafts, I have been enjoying it!!

  19. How pretty your pictures are, love each one and what you said. The white butterfly is just gorgeous. Sorry to hear about your aunt, will keep you both in my prayers. Nature is the most wonderful thing, everyday it amazes me and brings me JOY.
    Thanks so much for sharing.


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