Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall Berries

Hello sweet friends...
 Sunday is always the start of a new prompt at 

and this week the prompt is "Fall"

It's a little early in my part of the world for real Fall colours ... The rich autumnal golds, yellows and copper that will grace us probably in another month. 
I love the crisp mornings especially as the sun filters through the trees and the leaves crunch underfoot. But right now the trees and shrubs still have their green leaves though they now display a plentiful supplies of berries to see the wildlife through the winter

... many have already been eaten as you can see on this Elderberry ...
As I have been staying in Lincoln on the east coast of the UK - all my photos are from in and around my Aunts garden this week

If you were into making Elderberry wine ... there is no shortage of berries here ... and the honeysuckle is also laden

The Firethorn also has a plentiful supply but they are yet to turn colour ... these will be a magnificent bright orange colour

In fact there are berries hiding everywhere ...

It's late September ... The fields have been ploughed and the hay cut and stored but the roses still bloom

... along with pretty pink flowers

... and delicate but oh so pretty Fuchsia

This is my part of the world ... what's your like this time of year? We'd love to see ... Please link up at 

Have a lovely Sunday

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos!! This is a fun blog event that we get to see a glimpse into other places in the world, places that most of us will never get to see otherwise.....and your flowers are beyond gorgeous...have a wonderful Sunday Ros!!!

  2. Stunning photos Ross, I just love this time of year with all it's stunning colours!

  3. Love your 'berries' post, Ros. There is still a lot of beauty left in Lincoln!

  4. WOW! I bet the birds love the buffet of berries. :)

  5. That's one of the finest changes in autumn, the colours and the berries in the garden. Gosh, amazing that your roses are still in full bloom, so pretty! Hugs, Ira xox
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. I would enjoy picking these berries, pass me that basket! :). LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing so many different berries, are you making any preserves?. Your photos looks so yummy. Wonder if the roses would drop with the first frost?. HUGS.

  7. Berries everywhere! Gorgeous photos Ros...such beauty in the Fall:)

  8. such pretty photos.. I do love this time of year..


  9. Oh yes, all those berries! I love them, too. Found beautiful hawthorn yesterday (but forgot to take pictures) and a neighbor brought elderberry jelly. Yes, it's fall! Love your pictures and hope your Aunt continues to do well!

  10. Oh my!!!!! Your photos are GORGEOUS, Ros! Have a wonderful time with your dear aunt... enjoy every precious moment!

  11. Not just your beautiful photos, I also learn a lot here, the name of the berries, the name of the flowers..... Awesome post Ros!

  12. Beautiful photos Ros.... hugs...x

  13. Absolutely gorgeous, Ros! So many stunning photographs! LOVE fuschia! I fell in love with it when we lived in Colorado, but I cannot get it to grown here. It just gets too hot. Sigh.

  14. Lovely collection of photos Ros. I especially like the roses. Hope all is well with your aunt and you're having a nice visit. Hugs!

  15. Your fall is really beautiful, Ros, I love all the photo's. We finally got rain, but I am not sure how much damage from the drought will be repaired. My flowers, I have managed to keep alive look rather worn. those berries would be gone, the birds and squirrels would ravage them because of the lack of anything else to eat that we don't put out! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  16. Gorgeous blooms and berries, how I would love to be able to grow a fuchsia♥♥♥

  17. Love love the gorgeous inspiring photos Ros, surely is beautiful in your part of the world!! Thanks for sharing the beauty with us ;)

  18. I love seeing those berries, there are some in my yard too. Beautiful pictures you are sharing!!


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