Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just so you know ....

Hello ...

This is just a quick post ... I knew you would want me to let you know ... 
She came home!
Gispy ... the roaming cat turned up last night at the front door ... Can you believe it?

Talk about disrupting the household ... My son was so happy he cried ... and he doesn't cry easily ... But poor little Ginger cat ... well he didn't know what to do and ran out in the torrent of rain we were having ...
Eventually he came back in ... Gipsy having been fussed over and fed decided to curl up on my pillow and not much sleep was had.
Suffice to say ... at the crack of dawn she was off again ... 

I much prefer dogs!

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. What a relief! But that is exactly why I love cats - they have a life of their own and what an honor for you that she loves it so much at your house that she keeps returning to it!

  2. cats are so finikey (sp)
    give me a dog any day :)

    I hope you're able to watch this video about cats and is too cute!!!

    BEAR hugs,

  3. Women eh? Albeit feline ones but still trouble makers! Glad to know she's back and safe!

  4. Oh dear, and so the story continues I believe.....

  5. I'm so glad to hear that Gipsy is home!
    She is a beauty:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  6. A mixed blessing perhaps... cats are so unpredictable! I'm happy that now you know he's safe and sound.

  7. What a relief!
    I am so glad!
    How long was she away for?
    It is usually the males, I thought, that go wandering and go missing.
    She knows how to pull those heart strings, doesn't she?

  8. What a relief!
    I am so glad!
    How long was she away for?
    It is usually the males, I thought, that go wandering and go missing.
    She knows how to pull those heart strings, doesn't she?

  9. So glad to hear your kitty is back home.


  10. Oh, Ros, this is just the BEST news! I could cry, too! I was going to mail you my kitty canvas to make you feel better!

  11. What a story, do they really jealous of each other? I am afraid of cats so I really do not know much about them, but I am so with you, I love dogs!

  12. So glad for you and your son, crazy cat, they sure have minds of their own, don't they?? But glad she is safe and sound, until next time she decides to take a "vacation"...silly cat!!

  13. Incredible... No wonder you were all so happy and relieved... Gipsy must have thought 'there's no place like home' ;-) Take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  14. Independent little miss isn't she. LOL Glad to know she's safe and sound. :-)

  15. Awww... so happy that your beautiful cat returned home! It had to cause such a worry for you and family! Your cat is so pretty and reminds me of our first cat, Misty.

  16. Great news !.... Glad to know she's back and safe!... hugs...x

  17. Wow I was wondering about her! So glad she came home safe. Too bad it didn't last long. Thank you for sharing with us.

  18. Oh Ros!!! I'm soooooo glad! Its horrible being soooo heart-sick worrying about lost ones and not knowing where they are or whats happening to them! We've been there too... and know that joy when they are returned/come home!!!

    How very joyful for you all!! Little happy dance for you all here!

  19. so glad Gispy came home eventually. I once lost my Bun Bun for two weeks and found him miles away. give both your kitties big hugs from me :)

  20. That is the most wonderful news. Such happy ending.

  21. cats are so like that....I'm glad she was OK


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