Sunday, November 03, 2013

November ....

Hello and welcome to a wet and cold day here in Liverpool

Today's prompt at 
Our Beautiful World is November

November in the UK signifies Guy Fawkes ... Fireworks and bonfires that are never confined to just the 5th November but last for weeks ... I'm not a fan ... I fear for the wildlife ...
It also signifies Remembrance Day ... when we wear a red poppy to remember our heros of war 

Here in my little corner of the world it is another change in nature ...

I couldn't help but be a little whimsical with this ... The Vacant sign doesn't really hang on there ... I added it digitally ... 
I took a sign from the internet and removed the background - you can check out my video on Our Beautiful World blog to see how I do this - then using Print Shop ... I added it to the photo ... 
Nesting is over ... Many birds have flown away to warmer climates ... but soon the Robins will be back and their little red breasts a welcome delight.

Though we have occasional bursts of sunshine, our mornings are often dull with rain clouds

and this is a common sight ... 

... rain pounding on the windows
It does help the winter pansies

But even Gispy won't chance it and finds herself a cosy bed

And hey ... if your owner isn't home ... well, there's always a shelter at Gipsy's house 

No idea who this guy belongs too! I suspect his owners are out a lot because he visits us often ...

So what is your November like? We'd love you to share it with us at 
check out what my friends have posted on the blog Here ...

Have a lovely Sunday

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Be still my heart ... that is so cute!!. LOVE what you did with the bird house, one day when I have a proper garden I'm going to put that sign out for the birds! Hee hee.

    I LOVE rain storms because it gets too hot here sometimes. My beau used to live in Westminster, often he points out to me what looks like a 'British weather' when it gets dark and foggy after the rain around here :).

    I'm happy for you, that your DH is back home and getting well. HUGS.

  2. You added the sign digitally? Wow, I totally wouldn't have guessed that! Love love your raindrops-on-the-window photo, that's a great take on the month prompt. And it's so much like here too. We had thunderstorms last night, brrr. Gipsy and friend do seem to have a perfectly cosy time there with you, so sweet. Hugs and a cosy Sunday wish to you

  3. Nice pictures! I love the cat - it is so funny! ))

  4. Your November looks cold Ros!! Here in the desert it is a beautiful time of year. I like the vacant sign, too cute. You Gipsy and local fellow look quite warm and comfy :) Have a great week!

  5. Beautiful photo's, Ros, I love the ones of the cats! Did Gypsy come home? Hope all is well with you. It is quite cool here this morning, but will be warm this afternoon, quite a nice November day!

  6. I always love a peek into your world! thanks so much for sharing your world with us:)

  7. Beautiful photos!
    Thanks for sharing:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  8. I got a good laugh out of that vacancy sign, digitally altered or not! Seems like your November looks a lot like our November... I just put a hot water bottle in my bed - that might be my November theme! ;-)

  9. That sign looks so cute on that bird house. I LOVE IT. And the photos of your kitties are so cute.

    Happy November my friend.


  10. I can't even tell that you edit the photo if you didn't tell us, it is flawless! Beautiful photo of November!

  11. Well I think it says a lot about your home that the kitties feel safe to come and visit. I'm sure those birdies have found somewhere warm to snuggle up too. Hugs!

  12. You're joking right? I thought you hung that sign there just because you liked it ;-) I never would have guessed you added it digitally Ros! Well done you! And I just love your cat photos, it's a huge compliment for the 'strange' cat to come into your house, he must feel really at home! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  13. Love the photos, Ros! You are so talented with the photography! I am bookmarking this to check out your video. I need to take a class, I'm sure, as I'd love to be able to do stuff like that! You're an inspiration! Hugs, Darnell

  14. Gorgeous photos Ros.... love your kitty!!! Sweet!... hugs...x

  15. We already started receiving the birds looking for warmer places! just this Sunday we were watching as first one then a total of 6 cute little birds perched up in our terrace. New to the neighborhood and my dog who was calmly watching them...Loved seeing your neighborhood this time of the year and what a perfect addition that sign makes!

  16. LOVE the photos, Ros, and your little sign on the birdhouse is just ADORABLE!

  17. Lovely photo's Ros. Your love of animals shining through! That little ginger tom knows where to go for some TLC!
    And those houses look just like ours....were they built by McLeans?

    Sorry to read about your DH.....I hope he is feeling much better.

    Thank you for your lovely well wishes on my blog. I'm starting to feel much better now xx

  18. Hello, loving these pictures and your words. I'm also happy to hear your husband is doing better and is home, YAY!! power of prayer!

    Made me laugh to see the picture of rain, seems our November is doing more rain the showing us sunshine. Love the cats, so cute!
    Thanks for sharing and Happy November to you!

  19. Wonderful November pictures, I enjoyed seeing them so much!! This is truly a great idea of sharing the photos. The kitties are so sweet and the sign on the birdhouse, I love, it looks like it was made for it, and would never had known it was digital! Thanks for sharing this part of your fun to see!!


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