Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gifts and the Naughty Cat

A few weeks ago my SIL saw a little padded note board she liked ... 
It was quite expensive at £15 and it was only small .... so I volunteered to make her one ... She has a birthday coming up soon so this will be part of her present

I used a canvas frame for the base ... larger than the one she saw in the shop ... added some batting and a pretty fabric I bought on Ebay

Actually it was quite easy once I got going ... the staple gun came in handy and the hardest part was arranging the ribbon strips and stitching down the buttons

There was a little fabric over and a small piece of ribbon left so I made her a Post It note holder

That took longer to make than the board!

I just hope she likes it ...

Whilst I was sitting here this morning writing comments ... my cat Gispy had sneaked in - she thought I didn't know she was behind the curtains ... she loves netting and chews great holes in it 

Every picture tells a story ......

Have yourselves a lovely day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful gift, Ros, and I love your cat in the curtains. With four I decided no curtains at this house. It has all blinds and I find it much easier...just not as pretty. There is nothing to climb, nothing to get hair all over, however, daisy found a way to break three of the slats that make up heavy blinds! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Seriously Ros! There's absolutely NO doubt in my mind that your SIL will not love what you've created for her! Your choice of fabric is superb and I just love naughty little Gipsy and the photos you took ;-) Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  3. Beautiful work Ros!
    I'm sure she will love it:)
    Lovely photos of Gipsy.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  4. I know for sure your SIL will love this; that fabric is lovely. I like the pink ribbon; it adds a bit of contrast and you can still see the fabric.
    Yes these boards are expensive and you are talented enough to make one by yourself. It turned out great! That post note holder made me sigh; so sweet. You always add a little extar to a gift and jaw hit the floor. Wow!
    Take care,

  5. Such a beautiful gift for your SIL, bet she would jump with joy!

  6. Oh I love your pin board, Ros. The fabric is just lovely. And I had such a giggle seeing Gipsy clawing the nets lol. You'd need to see my Kropek hanging and swinging himself upside down on the living room curtains, right up the top... sigh... do they ever get bored with that? :)

  7. Wow Ros! What beautiful projects! Surely your SIL will love this! Super cute kitty photos! :) made me smile.

  8. WOW WEE Ros... These are awesome... I am sure your SIL would love these! You rock! .... Shes lucky! .... How cute Gipsy is! Hugs...x

  9. Such a beautiful gift set Ros, your SIL will be so happy. I love the fabric you chose to make this with and the little post-it note, what a beautiful extra. Gipsy,s adventures caught on print, another extra you provided for us! :)
    Have a great day!

  10. What a bright and happy peg board for your SIL. As for the kitty, oh dear. We have 4 and they rule the roost.

  11. Gispy is a naughty litty lol, but cute!!!! And I think your SIL will LOVE her board and post it note holder, there fabulous!!!!

  12. OMG, your cat made me laugh out loud sooo cute! Love your bulletin board! PS Thank you for your always kind words!!! I am pretty excited and I admit, a little nervous about starting a flea...Goodness the response today is a little overwhelming...No backing out now lol! I wish you lived here! Maybe one day the Polka Dot Flea will be big enough that people will plan their Orlando vacations around it!!!???


  13. Will your SIL like it???? You can't be serious! She'll absolutely adore it! What a wonderful present!

  14. What a lovely gift and beautiful fabric!! I think that is why card making so appealed to me, the papers were as lovely as the fabrics I used to sew!! The post it note holder is a wonderful addition the gift, that she will be so surprised at!! As for Gipsy...reminds of the monsters I have here. The bedroom sheers have nice little snags at the bottom, they don't play in them, they just "rearrange" them to their satisfaction so they can se eout...hope all is well, I know you must be playing "nurse" "maid"!! Thinking of you!!

  15. That is so clever of you, Ross! I have seen these in local shops but yours beats them all! It's beautiful!

  16. LOVE the fabric and ribbon on that board and the matching post it holder! FAB Gift! And your kitty photos just cracked me up! THX for sharing that!

  17. I have seen them for sale at craft have made a beautiful job of this....fab!!!!

    The little book cover is sweet!

  18. LOL Maybe that's where she is always disappearing to. She has to go on the prowl to find some netting to use for stress relief. hee hee Your board and the accompanying post it holder turned out beautifully Ros. Your handmade gift will mean more to her than the store bought one for sure. You go crafty girl! :-)

  19. what a beautiful cat you have and I love how you captured her!


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