Sunday, January 05, 2014



It's time for a new word prompt at

The word is 


January can appear a bleak month ... 
An anti climax to Christmas and the New Year celebrations...
In the UK it's still dark at 8am and the lights go back on at 4pm ...

But it's the first month of a whole new year ... The month I was born, the month I married ...
A month of new beginnings everywhere

The trees maybe bare and the ground wet and dull ... but taking a walk around my garden yesterday I noticed that there are some beautiful things if you look closely ...

The Viburnum brightens an otherwise dull corner with her tiny and oh so pretty clusters of pink 

 Even the remains of last years blooms have such a delicate beauty

With one or two flowers still clinging

and amongst them signs of new beginnings

Of course there are always some who get a little confused and flower at the wrong time

That just makes them all the more special ... And when it comes to safety in numbers ... well, huddling together has kept these going

January in my garden ...

Every month has a beauty of it's own ... it's just a matter of taking the time to notice

We'd love it if you shared your January photo with us this week at 

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Hi Ros,

    I so enjoyed following you around your January garden, every step toward a sweet surprise! Those new pink blooms are beautiful. Wouldn't it be lovely if they burst onto the scene the day of your birthday?

    Have a wonderful week!


  2. It is Vibernum that you have there, I don't think it's Verbena:)
    It is so mild, that the garden is doing wonderful things.....thinks that it is spring.
    Thanks for showing your garden in such wonderful photos.
    Have a lovely Sunday, Ros!

  3. Stunning Ross, absolutely stunning! You are such a brilliant photographer! You should make your own calendar!!

  4. Your January garden certainly renders some beautiful gifts to you Ros, love your fine close-ups, so pretty! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  5. The vibernum looks so beautiful, the cluster of delicate pink. Love the little peak into your winter garden Ros :) Have a great day!

  6. Such beautiful photos my friend. A wonderful month indeed...


  7. Beautiful photos, Ros. January is turning out to be one cold month here. :)

  8. I had so much fun having a little "garden tour". And your photos are brilliant. January is also one of my faovrite months; a new beginning...
    Have a lovely evening! XXXXX

  9. January sure is a special month for you Ros!
    I do not like winter days when days are short too, however, Vegas winter isn't really bad, we have T-shirts and jeans on most of the days, no jacket needed, so I really should complain.
    Do stay safe and warm!

  10. Lovely images !!!

    wish you a beautiful New Year!!

  11. These photos are so spectacular! Loving them !!! hugs...x

  12. Oh your post makes me want to get back in my gardens...thanks you for sharing your lovely post and I have to email you and ask when your birthday is?? We have about 20 plus inches of snow here, and a blizzard warning and are ordered to stay home, off the seeing your pretty blooms was enlightening !!!

  13. What amazing pictures. January isn't all bleak with those lovely flowers. Sometimes getting it wrong is good ( at least for flowers!!). January is also good because we're going to get together hopefully 😉 x

  14. our gardens here in New England are still very far away from any kind of flowering. We may get a crocus or two at the end of February...but more than likely even they won't show their little faces till the middle of March.

  15. It seems to be a January like no other flora-wise for you, too. I was out on a walk by the Rhine in just a shirt yesterday, saw roses in full bloom and a number of bushes covered in yellow blossoms. And guess what: I didn't have my camera on me! I love your pictures and they really brighten up this otherwise quite colorless day!

  16. Lovely! I'm sure you are enjoying those tiny pops of color in your winter garden. Beautiful photos. :-)

  17. Beautiful pictures from your garden, Ros! Sorry to be so far behind this week. Maybe I will be back to normal by next week! Hope your week is a good one.

  18. Your garden must be so Beautiful in real life!

  19. Hi Ros and Happy New Year! Better late than...
    How I loved this garden tour, so beautiful. Is it usual for the viburnum to bloom at this time of year? I wish that I lived close to you to visit in person!


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