Sunday, February 16, 2014

Times to Celebrate

Hello and good morning!

It's time for a new prompt at 

And the prompt is  Celebration ... Chosen for us by Milagros

I'm going a little random here even though my DH celebrated a Big birthday this past week ... My Celebration photos are from my archives and have nothing to do with birthdays

First up - My Gold and Silver medals!

 ... Not from the Olympics obviously (hee hee) and they're not even real gold or even real silver 
I was awarded them for the 3 years I did the "Race For Life" raising money in aid of cancer research and one is for raising money for Breast Cancer 

Here I am number 871 standing next to my SIL and some of her friends ... We raised a fair bit of money between us over the years  which was worth celebrating

And something completely different ... (well, I said it was random) 

What's this you say ... Well many years of my life were spent working in insurance ... I started in a large company when I left school, working in various departments until I landed the job of head receptionist in their brand new Head Office building in the city...
It was officially opened in 1976 by Princess Alexandra and that's me having just presented her with those flowers and having a little chat ... 
It was a very special celebration and I made my dress especially for the occasion 

I was lucky to meet quite a few interesting people during those years including one of our past Prime Ministers
Sir Harold Wilson

They were times to celebrate for the young lady I was then

We'd love to see your celebration photos this week ... I hope you link up with us at 

Don't forget to stop over at the Blog and see what my friends across the globe are sharing

Have a lovely Sunday

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. This post is interesting! Loving your photos.... Lucky you! Great photos for the theme!... hugs....x

  2. Well that was a fun visit with you and the celebrations from the past...wonderful memories!!!

  3. Oh Ros what an interesting post, so many things to celebrate I loved the dress you made and wow you met a real Princess!!! And a very VIP lady hanging around with Prime Ministers, so proud of you for raising money for the cause too!!!

  4. VERY Cool photos Ros, I love that you have given us a little glimpse into your life and some of the special occasions!

  5. Love seeing your photos. You have always been one beautiful lady. How awesome is that dress you made?! Very special moments for you, I am sure. :)

  6. Such an awesome post and I love the story behind Ros!

  7. This weeks prompt is fun. I really enjoy reading your posts. And a wonderful peek into your ife. You look great:) Amd looking at hem; you look fab:)

  8. You were rubbing elbows with some pretty fancy people there Ros. :-) What fun memories for you. Great pics. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  9. What a treat to be allowed to step into your past Ros, these are wonderful occasions and certainly great cause for celebration. I totally see why you look back on these moments with deep fondness! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  10. What a great story behind these medals Ros and also some great photos, thanks for your sweet comments.

  11. Wonderful photos Ros! What great memories both from the past and present! Thanks for sharing!

  12. LOVE your medals ~ very important awards! Plus I LOVE the photos of you and your very important and thrilling job! They are so cool and show off your BEAUTIFUL smile!

  13. Oh Ros, such a treat indeed to see a page from your past. Special indeed, celebrations preserved. I love all of the outfits we see you in and the were trending fashion :). Love your posts. They always warm my heart.

  14. What lovely celebration photo's Ros, you are quite the celebrity!


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