Sunday, March 16, 2014



It's time for a new word prompt at

And this week I picked the word which is simply ...


It's St Patricks Day tomorrow ... not that we celebrate it, but I love shades of green and I'm longing for the trees to be covered once again in fresh green leaves ... for now I have to be content with what is around me...

The bright beautiful moss green that cover the old twigs of last years lavender shrub

and the richer shade that appear on the tree branches making them look like a view of the planet from space

The 'oh so tiny' shoots that sprout up after a rainfall

The dark all year round green of the pine contrasting with the all year round glossy leaves of the Laurel

Some of which are also sprouting

I love the many shades of green nature has to offer ... and none more so than those dew kissed greens that burst into yellow

... A promise of Spring to come

Have a lovely Sunday and link up your "Green"photos with us at

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Oopsy, you might have got it mixed up Ros, however, I still enjoy the GREEN you have here!

  2. Gorgeous photos Ros! Thanks for sharing your take on our beautiful green world!

  3. Gorgeous photos Ross, all of them!!

  4. Before you know it your tree will be filled with leaves. A beautiful post my friend and thank for choosing this word it is my favorite color.


  5. Beautiful green photos and post...oh how I wish I could see some green right now (even green money would at least I can look at your lovely photos and hope!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Haha... I saw my previous comment still there! You can trash it Ros! LOL!

    LOVE IT ALL!!!

  7. THERE'St the green post! Pretty photos but I especially LOVE the one that looks like a planet! How COOL is that???!!!

  8. WOW, every time I see your photos, I think,'Ros has an amazing eye'. This time too ;) Wonderful Ros, ((hugs)) Rebecca

  9. fresh green, yeahh spring is coming :-))

  10. Beautiful photo's Ros, I love all the green! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you...anything reason to celebrate! Have a wonderful Monday.

  11. Gorgeous pics Ros!!! Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

  12. Beautiful greens Ros! Really great shots and shades of green.
    Wishing you a sweet week, hugs

  13. As usual, beautiful photography and when I saw the first picture I was about to shout out that it just had to be my favorite of the post... but then it came in a close second... after the close-up of the moss - so wonderful!

  14. Lots of many shades of green shown above... So nice... to see such spring signs in beautiful shots... again! Have a pleasant week!

  15. Beautiful photo's, Ros. I love the Daff with the dew drops, simply gorgeous. Have a great week. Deb x

  16. I needed to see all that green! It is an ugly shade of brown here. :)

  17. Well first off this is my favorite colors so right away I love everything about it ;) Your pics are really lovely Ros, I especially like the cool ones of the moss :) Have a super week!

  18. Hi Ros, green in many shades and textures... your photos remind me of the tiny plant life we often tread on or dismiss as a tree. Cheers and have a great week

  19. Great photos the moss on the tree, looks amazing. Thanks for sharing...


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