Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our Beautiful World

Hello ...

It's time for a new word prompt at Our Beautiful World

Milagros has chosen for us this week ... Her prompt is

There is something magical about a rainbow don't you think? No matter how many I've seen throughout my life ... they still hold a fascination 

It's so easy to live in a bubble ... feet on the ground, head filled with day to day stuff...
 Taking a moment to stop and look at a rainbow is taking a pause ... the mind falls silent for a while. We look up to the sky and witness this beauty in the universe both of which have no beginning and no end ... A colourful reminder that we are tiny parts of something so great, so vast ...  

We are not just the road, the house, the life we live... We are part of something so much more ... We are so much more

So if you are driving along ... maybe a little frustrated or anxious as the rain pours down and suddenly a rainbow appears ... remember to take a little pause and breathe ...

Even in the darkest of skies magic happens ... and in the great scheme of things our troubles are small

Link up with us at 

And have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful post!
    Sending warm wishes for a beautiful Sunday, Ros.
    Blessings and a big hug,


  2. Stunning photos Ross, and your thoughts are so true, I couldn't agree more!!

  3. Fab photo's, I love to see rainbows and got to see two m yesterday. X

  4. A beautiful post Ros, beautifully said. And so many rainbows, wow...
    And you're so right. I think I was too busy in my bubble and guess I've missed out on many a rainbow, I got my one lucky shot just by chance :-)
    Hugs and sweet Sunday to you. xx

  5. Gorgeous photos and the sentiments are wonderful!!! Well done Ros~ ((hugs)) Rebecca

  6. Beautiful shots there Ros, there must be lots of rainbow at your part of the world? It is rare to see one here in the desert.

  7. Beautiful photos and your words are so true!
    I love rainbows:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  8. Couldn't agree more Ros! Rainbows are nature's beautiful gifts to us. Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  9. Besides your FAB photos - especially the DOUBLE rainbow! - I LOVE what you wrote! Made me feel good!

  10. A lovely and beautiful post :-)

  11. Amazingly beautiful shots and wise words dear Ros!

  12. yes, a rainbow is all the time a little magic and something special, great photos!

  13. What lovely words along with your great rainbow shots!

  14. Gorgeous photos Ros....rainbows fascinate me ... so pretty....and such a treasure to get to "capture" one. Now if we only find the pot of gold at the end, it would be lovely...but maybe that is why we don't, so we can never stop "looking"!!!

  15. Hi literally took the words out of my mind.....I whole heartedly agree with all you said...Rainbows are so special. Great photos, all of them. Have a special week Cheers Robyn

  16. Beautiful rainbows, Ros, I really love seeing them in the skies after a storm! Have a wonderful Monday!

  17. splendid!! We had quite a few double rainbows last summer as well. They certainly are beautiful to see.

  18. "A colourful reminder that we are tiny parts of something so great, so vast"..."and in the great scheme of things our troubles are small!"
    Excerpts that I have to think about..i really love their meanings! Thank you so much for sharing your sensitive thoughts and photo instants! All the best!

  19. Such beautiful photos Ros, they indeed do have a magical look to them :) HOpe you have super week!

  20. WOW!! Such wonderful shots my friend. And what a beautiful post.


  21. What great rainbow photo's Ros. Thanks for sharing..

  22. It really is so special to see them. Just a little bit of magic to them. Lovely pics Ros. :-)


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