Sunday, May 25, 2014

Seeing Spots

Good morning...

It's my turn to pick the word prompt for 
So this week the prompt is

We may not have summer weather here but we did have a relatively mild winter so plants have flowered early and the garden has been full of these pretty butterflies ... I managed to zoom in on this one which was sitting right at the top of my Forsythia tree ... Those spots resemble eyes ... to keep away predators
 It was quite difficult to spot this one camouflaged on the gravel

Lucky I didn't step on it ...
Of course butterflies are not the only thing we have had a lot of ... the ladybirds have been just about everywhere ... 

I keep finding them in the house and have to put them outside again ... And would you take a look at these guys

Hmm, enough said...

Ladybird and butterfly sharing a brief moment of Spring sunshine and this female blackbird with her spotted chest loves letting me know she's wants feeding ... she comes and sits by my door

I guess if you look you can find spots everywhere ... even on Bananas

And I just have to show you this sweet key holder I bought a couple of weeks ago ... I just couldn't resist those spots

...Or the cute little owls

Ok, I'm off to Our Beautiful World blog to see what my fellow DT members have posted ... Care to join me?

I hope you link up your "Spots" photos with us this week ... and be sure to link back to 

Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh, I had a long look at those banana spots over breakfast... and decided this afternoon I will have a banana milk shake... Love your pictures - can't believe you got such beautiful close-ups of the butterflies. They ALWAYS fly off before I can take a picture!

  2. I LOVE your spots and cannot get over the FAB photos and the spots you captured! Fantastic, Ros!!!

  3. WOW Ros, I love your photos...of course there are spots everywhere but when you're trying to think of some they are just not saw them all. Great butterfly shots and the cutest ladybirds....spots on birds, bananas and that fab key house...very clever with the theme this week, Cheers

  4. Hi Ros, yes spots are everywhere but i first didn't know what i should take. there where so many possibilitys.
    Your photos are fantastic. The red butterfly is so pretty.
    and what a super cute key holder:-)
    Have sunny Sunday. Manuela

  5. Now that's some lovely spots. :-) We've been enjoying the butterflies too. Our lady birds or ladybugs as we call them are more orange than red. I have to put a few out too. Wonderful pics Ros. Hugs!

  6. Ros! Adoro sua casinha e...a festa da minha filha foi de Ladybugs! Adoro as joaninhas!!!Que bom que o inverno foi amêno para vocês. Aqui estamos começando com os dias frios!

  7. Great prompt, and I almost use a labybug one too, wonderful shots you are sharing!

  8. Lovely photos Ros! Hugs...x

  9. Love all your spots, especially the lady bugs! Have a wonderful Memorial Day, Ros, Happy Monday!

  10. No matter what photo challenge there is, you always come up with such beautiful shots Ros! Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  11. That key holde ris such a cutie! And I love your photos:). The butterflies are lovely!

  12. Look all the spots going on here. Wonderful photos my friend. I LOVE the ladybug.. I have a thing for them. I haven't seen any here in Colorado. We have had a bit of rain while we have been here and I am loving it. I do hope you have a wonderful week.


  13. Gorgeous pics Ros!! Have a wonderful week!

  14. Woowho...what a great display of "spots" creative and fun...had a "snort" at the "group" photo...teehee!!

  15. Great photos Ros! I adore butterflies and ladybirds.


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