Sunday, May 18, 2014

Splish Splash


Our Word prompt this week at 

has been chosen for us by the lovely Kirsty ...
The word is 

Well, whilst I was in Lincoln recently I caught these guys taking a bath ...
(Click photos to enlarge)

I can't believe how quickly those little ducklings can swim

Mum was quite happy to stand and watch once she'd had a little bathe

And as for me ... well, as you are reading this (scheduled) post ... I hope to be taking a bath too ... somewhere like this

or maybe dipping my toes in the cool blue waters 

around the sunny Isle of Majorca ...

Have a beautiful day and link up your photos for our prompt word this week at 

Catch you when I'm home ... be good!

~ Ros ~


  1. Wonderful photos, Ros! I'm looking your pictures and dreaming about my summer vacations at the seaside! ))

  2. Great collection of photos Ross, love those ducks!

  3. Beautiful photo's, Ros, I hope it is sunny where you are. Enjoy, you deserve it!

  4. Hi these photo, the ducklings are so cute to watch. But the blue pool looks fabulous, so do hope you are enjoying yourself...I'm envious, cheers and have a wonderful week Robyn

  5. Lots of wonderful photos my friend. I LOVE the little ducks. So cute. I strolled back to see what I have missed. You know I love seeing your creations.

    Hope you are having a happy weekend.


  6. Such lovely shots Ros! I've just taken a bath myself after this warm, sunny day ;-) Have a lovely evening, hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  7. Aren't those little duckies, just the cutest!!!! Perfect photos for the prompt!! I hope you are having a relaxing time on your vacation...we are leaving this week at some point for the holiday....have a wonderful day!!

  8. I love those adorable baby ducks :-)

  9. Beautiful photos, Ros. I hope you are enjoying your time away. :)

  10. Hope you're having a wonderful time on Majorca! Summer certainly has reached Germany. The little ducklings are too cute... we have a duck couple here at the office, don't know what the fascination is about it... we don't have a pond or anything!

  11. Hi Ros, cute little ducklings, they are so funny. wish you a great relaxing vacation. Have a great time...Manuela

  12. Great photos! Majorca looks FAB! Hope you're having a super time!

  13. Beautiful photos!
    I hope you are having a fantastic time:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  14. Awww those duckies are so sweet. I hope your trip is amazing. :-)


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