Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Wishing You Brighter Days

It's my turn to host at City Crafter again this week and inspired by the bright colours around lately I have come up with the challenge 
Citrus Flavour

This week I want you to create a card or project that includes 
ALL 3 Citrus colours Orange, Lemon & Lime
You may use other colours just as long as these 3 are included

I made a card for a lady in Blogland from the USA who I don't actually know but I heard that she went through a terrible ordeal so I wanted to send something from the UK to cheer her up. It's always good to know people are thinking of you

I used Goosebumps and an old HA stamp on a piece of white card then sponged inks over it

The clock hands were also sponged over ... My card looks much more vibrant IRL but it was a dull rainy day when I took these photos and I needed to get it in the post

Our Guest Designer this week is Ela a previous winner at City Crafter ... Ela creates the most wonderful projects ... the detail is beautiful! Hop over and take a look at her work
Our winner this week will also have a GD spot with us ... 

I hope you are having a good week so far ... 

Have a lovely day and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Such a lovely though Ross and a totally stunning card!

  2. Lovely card Ros, I am sure the recipient will cheer up with this sweetie!

  3. Such a pretty card and you are totally rocking those Goosebumps. Love the background and how you have used those juicy colours.

  4. Beautiful and thoughtful card...cheerful colors and I am sure it will be much appreciated!! I still need to buy those "goosebumps" spray...I keep forgetting...love the look of it!!

  5. Bardzo piękna karteczka

  6. Beautiful card, Ros, love the colors and your water color background! Have a happy Tuesday! I wish you would send me some of that dreary weather! Hugs!

  7. Ros, this is Spectacular and I KNOW she will LOVE it to pieces! Your colors, the sentiment, the clock hands, the bow will definitely be received like a big warm HUG!

  8. Beautiful Ros! I love every little detail about this card and she will love it!It its the same lady that Sue's been sending cards to , she has gone through a terrible heartache :-(

  9. I have mentioned this before Ros, your clock cards always have that special something and this is no exception, the colours, pretty flower and background are superb! Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  10. Gorgeous juice colours and I bet your card is even more zingy in real life! What a lovely thing to do- but that doesn't really surprise me about you! x

  11. I'm sure this will put a lovely smile on her face. Beautiful job with the citrus colors Ros. Hugs!

  12. Wow Ros! What a beautiful card! Love the pretty background you created and the fancy layered blossom! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. This card already comes across as vibrant - can't imagine what it looks like IRL! It will definitely be as uplifting as you intend it to be.

  14. So, so pretty, Ros! Really love this palette, and your textures are divine!

  15. What a thoughtful and sweet gesture. This card is sure to bring the recipient joy. The lace trim is a beautiful touch. :)


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