Sunday, July 13, 2014


Hello and welcome to another photo prompt at

I have chosen our word this week ... and it's simply

You know I love the beach ... but I have a passion for woodland, forests and trees ... I simply couldn't live without trees around me ...
As a young girl, whenever I was troubled I headed for the woods ... Not something I could probably do today. I am fortunate that where I am we have lots of green land and I am right next woodland known as The Triangle which is part of the Pennine Trail where my "Eagle" tree has been standing guard for many years ...

Would you not agree that it looks like an eagle?

Every morning for years I would pass him and say hello...

Having owned a couple of German Shepherds ... exploring woodland was a joy and explore we did from Scotland to Cornwall

This was taken some years ago in Derbyshire and this one...

... In Wales

Everyday I would walk come hail rain or shine ... 
Winter ...

Through to summer...

 Some mornings it was hard to motivate myself ... but the beauty was always worth it.
Both my dogs detested the rain ... but still wanted to be in the woods and those times were probably the best when I think about it ... Sometimes we would shelter under a tree for half an hour - being at one with nature, listening to the pitter pattering of rain drops on the trees ... Meeting friends along the way...

On this path at a certain time of year it would be completely covered by tiny frogs no bigger than a finger nail ... To me woodland is just magical, calming and gentle ... nothing heals like nature

I and my friends at 

Would love to explore woodland with you ... link up your photos and tell us about them

I will be revealing the winner of my gift following the  birthday celebrations at 

Have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Great photos Ros...I can only imagine how peaceful and relaxing your walks must have been!

  2. Beautiful post and photos Ros. I too couldn't live without the green of trees and plants, probably why it didn't take me long to realize I didn't want to to permanently in the north west of Australia...too much red dirt and grey vegetation. Love you eagle tree, I hug trees and feel the's nature, calming. Have a wonderful week Robyn

  3. Hi Ros, yes woodland is magical, i love the autum when all the leafes change the color, just beautiful!
    Also beautiful photos of you and your dogs!
    Have a great week! Manuela

  4. Hi Ros, yes woodland is magical, i love the autum when all the leafes change the color, just beautiful!
    Also beautiful photos of you and your dogs!
    Have a great week! Manuela

  5. What can be more brilliant as walking with your dog early in the morning in the forest, enjoying birds' singing, breathing fresh air? When my dog was alive we liked to walk together... it was really wonderful! Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures!

  6. You always show us such pretty shots Ros, but your eagle tree is really breathtakingly beautiful. This tree is bound to contain a soul (or maybe even more, who knows), looks magical to me! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  7. As a child I've often been in the woods too. I had a hollow tree as my home. Similar creatures like the bird I saw... It was very important for me to survive the childhood -
    Your Foto remembers me.
    That with the tiny little frogs I see here too.
    Habe a great new week :-)

    (I will join to the meme in any days)

  8. Beautiful post Ros, I love and glad that we get a peek of your life, bits and pieces, past and present, so love knowing you more!

  9. Yes, that is one impressive eagle! Beautiful pictures - love your voyage through the seasons!

  10. Ros...Que fotos mais lindas das épocas do ano, em Florestas!!! Adoro sua foto no campo com saia rosa! Muito linda,e digo...também adoro as florestas, também adoro tomar banho de chuva (porém aqui no Brasil temos o real perigo dos raios...)! Estou muito feliz de visitar seu blog e ver fotos suas! Um grande abraço!

  11. More gorgeous pictures Ros! Love these. Your eagle tree is precious! Your words are always calming.

  12. Your photos are so beautifully taken!! I love the nature too.. especially breathing coz it's simply refreshing !! Hugs x

  13. LOVE your woodland photos! They are so different from where I live. What happened when the frogs were all over the path? Did they move out of your way as you walked? FAB post!

  14. So beautiful Ros!! I would love to come there and see the countryside! Looks sooo beautiful!

  15. Those paths sure look like lovely ones to trod Ros. The eagle tree is so cool! :-) Fabulous pics!

  16. Beautiful photos!
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  17. Beautiful photo's and memories, Ros! I love the post and share your feelings about nature and it's calming affect. Have a blessed Tuesday!

  18. Oh, my goodness! Love all your wonderful photos! And, what a gorgeous dog! I'm sure you miss him! We are on vacation yet and return home soon. I'll have to enter a photo of Yosemite National Park. It was stunning and majestic!:)

  19. What a fascinating pretty..and yes, it does look like an Eagle...I hope it stays there forever!! I love seeing your photos, I know I have told you that before, but it is so much fun to see the "lives" of my friends...makes it so much more real and you do have the best photos!!!

  20. This is so beautiful Ros, what a magnificent bird the tree represents! Amazing!!! hey I am glad I could give you the beach and the forest all in one with our mangroves@

  21. Beautiful post Ros! I share your love for woodlands. The way you describe it, with the pitter patter of the rain and such, the calming and the magical feeling, that is exactly what woodland is for me. So thank you for your wonderful photo prompt, I loved taking part in it!

  22. Lovely photos. The eagle looks quite medieval and seems to be guarding the path. Walking with your dogs in the woods sounds idyllic.


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