Sunday, August 31, 2014


Good morning ...

It's time for another word prompt at 

This week Robyn has set the prompt and she's picked the word
Very appropriate for this time of year I think ... seeds are just about everywhere

I saw this 'sugar stealer' caught between the flowers ... I love seeing them float around - They are bigger than the seeds from Dandelions ...

I think these seed balls looks so pretty ... probably more so than the flower ... My DH can't stand Dandelions ... which is a shame as the child in me still likes to blow them 

We had a wonderful array of Cosmos this year ... grown from seed ... they were planted in containers and I've collected the seeds from the centres to grow next summer

These are seed pods from my Sweet Peas ... they didn't do too well this year, maybe next year they will be better...
And finally a photo of the Clematis... Like delicate pinwheels the fluffy seeds have already be blown along with the wind 

Isn't nature just wonderful?

Of course there are lots of seeds ... many that are edible ... so I'm looking forward to seeing your photos this week ...

Link up with Our Beautiful World

Have a lovely Sunday ...

~ Ros ~


  1. These are lovely photos Ros...I love your dandelion...I think they look great in photos.

  2. These are nice photos Ros...I love your Dandelion...I think they look great in photographs.

  3. You have such a magnificent eye for detail Ros, always love looking at your garden photos! Yesterday one of my friends brought lots of seeds for me to plant in the garden, so happy with those!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. Great pictures. I, like you, love blowing dandelions though I rarely see them. I enjoy eating dandelion greens which my local market frequently has.

    My post is about rose hips - picture from the San Francisco Botanical Garden.

  5. Great pictures! Ros, you love nature very much! ))

  6. Hi Ros, beautiful photos, some seeds of the flowers are looking so bizarre, yes, nature is just amazingly beautiful!
    Have a good week, manuela

  7. Awesome picture Ros! and I like blowing Dandelion too, someday we'll do it together! : )

  8. Wow, Ros. You must live in a beautiful place to capture images like these! Just stunning! hugs :)

  9. One day a week or so ago my whole yard was filled with floating dandelion seeds. I don't think I've ever seen that many at one time. Beautiful photos from your garden Ros. Hugs!

  10. I love the "good" seeds.....and have many right now...wish I had time to join in....but we are leaving..again...has been a busy summer that is for sure..anywho I do love all your seed photo's so pretty...I love coming here each week and seeing what "awesomeness" you have for us! Hope you are feeling better..write me when you can!!

  11. Beautiful photos...thank you for sharing!:-)

  12. A very special selection of seeds from your garden, Ros, the perfect dandelion brings back memories for me too and the beautiful mauve cosmos, I envy those with cottage gardens. Lovely photos, cheers Robyn


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