Monday, September 29, 2014

Stormy Times

Hello there...

I'm sorry I've been absent lately ... I've missed you....

 There are family issues that are taking up my time and energy

I'm like the lighthouse right now as my family are being tossed by the storm ... I learned a long time ago that you cannot avoid the waves and the tide will take you no matter what you do ... Better that you can keep on treading water until the shore is in sight....

I'm hoping to be able to find time to create this week ... to turn my thoughts elsewhere for just a while

Thanks so much for your emails and your concern ... It's very much appreciated

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Gorgeous photo, Ros, and your words are so true. Praying for you! Hugs!

  2. I'm sorry Ros, I'll be praying your you're family

  3. Hi Ros,
    hope the storm goes fast over! I wish you a lot of strength and energy during this stormy time and some time for yourself to make your mind free for a while, Manuela

  4. Oh Ross, so sorry to hear this! Hang in there my friend! Your light house is so straight and beautiful, it's a great image to portrait what you are going through! (Even though I am not quite sure what it is, - sending big hugs!)

  5. Sweetie I am thinking of you a LOT. I hope that things will work out well. Know that I am with you and sending lots of love and a big hug,

  6. Oh, Ros. Hope life calms down soon. You will be a very strong lighthouse......always thinking of you.
    Zue x

  7. Ros, it's a beautiful photograph and I loved the analogy that went with it. It's so true and I hope all will work out with whatever may be going on in your life. Best wishes and giant crafty hugs! :)

  8. Hope all settles soon Ros! Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  9. I miss you too Ros... Don't worry about us... I'm pretty sure we all miss you heaps...
    Hope everything is better with you and family now... thinking of you and sending positive thoughts over... take care.... big hugs...x

  10. Sending big hugs and prayers your way Ros. <3

  11. Hang in there my friend, I will be thinking of you!

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it, Ros! Hang in there! Sending my thoughts and prayers your direction. XOXO

  13. Thoughts and prayers and HUGS coming your way my friend!

  14. Sending love, blessings and a big Dutch hug, dear Ros.
    May things soon be better for you and yours.


  15. Life can be so difficult at times... really hope that things will calm down for you soon and that the dark clouds will be lifted... My thoughts are with you and your family, hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  16. Sorry to hear about your troubles and I hope they will soon be washed away. Keeping my fingers crossed and am looking forward to seeing some creations... knowing that they will have given you a break from all else!

  17. Not sure what is going on Ros, but you know my thoughts are always with "you" and hope it all works is a BIG hug from Michigan...can you feel can...good...I am just an email away...take care my friend!!

  18. Ros,,,I so understand how life gets in the way. We'll be here whenever you get a chance to blog and if you need us...The best part....We are here 24/7


  19. Thinking of you Ros, I have missed your posts. I hope things smooth over and family matters return to "normal".
    Big hugs to you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment..
Your thoughts and words are always very much appreciated.