Sunday, October 12, 2014



It's my turn to come up with the prompt at 
this week ...

The word is simply Autumn

For a nature lover like me it's a time to celebrate the glorious colour of the season ... more so if the sun puts in an appearance 

Before the plants and trees bid their last goodnight as winter approaches ...

They put on a display of beauty and warmth

I could photograph them all day

 The early morning dew 

... The many gossamer like webs that stretch just about everywhere

Even flowers still bloom ... tiny but perfect

Berries of every variety hang from the trees

and Mr Squirrel rushes about eager to collect the fallen nuts

Who would have thought a broken and wind blown sprig could have looked so beautiful?

I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of Autumn in your part of the world... 

Link up at Our Beautiful World this week and take a look at the photos my friends are sharing with you

Have a beautiful Autumnal Sunday

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful autumn impressions and again a cute squirrel (have seen one at Robyn just now)... and the last photo is awesome!
    Have a great new week

  2. Your photos Ros, display Autumn in all it's glory...if this is your yard I am so envious, how colourful and with the water droplets just stunning. Have a glorious weekend Robyn

  3. Wonderful pictures, Ros! Most of all I was impressed by photo of Mr Squirrel! Great))

  4. Beautiful fall photo's, Ros, I too love the colors of the leaves and last days before winter! It is always heartening to see the last of the glorious summer blooms. Happy Sunday.

  5. What a fine photographer you are Ros, you have an absolutely wonderful eye for detail! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. Great word prompt, Roz. Your leaves photos are stunning. I really enjoy seeing what autumn looks like in other areas of the world. So glad to have found you through Our Beautiful World.

  7. Autumn is a festive season with its gorgeous colors. From yellow to gold. I love the mrning dew too; the garden looks lovely with fresh dew. Your photos are gorgeous; I hope to see your garden next spring:)

  8. I adore your pictures, Ros--thanks for sharing!

  9. Beautiful Ros. God sure knows how to make nature shine no matter what season. Hugs!

  10. This post is beautiful! You have captured the beauty in Autumn.

  11. beautiful autumn impressions from you, love the photo with the cute little squirrel on the fence, yes it's a wonderful colorful season :-)

  12. A glorious collection of autumnal photos. Love the spider's web.

  13. You captured some really amazing shots Ros! The spider web is fantastic! hugs :)

  14. Hello my Friend.. Its been forever. Hoping to be around a bit more. Such beautiful fall photos. This is my favorite time of year.


  15. Such beautiful fall photos, Ros! Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. You have captured the beauty of autumn with these gorgeous photos...I love them all but the last is my favorite...just so perfect!!

  17. Gorgeous Fall photos! We don't have much of that in Florida.

  18. Such beautiful pics you shared Ros! Great job capturing the squirrel! The last dried sprig is really LOVELY :)

  19. Wonderful photos!
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  20. Gosh... the little fellow on the fence is such a cute, so pretty!!... Gorgeous details captured, amazing autumn in your part... A sunny october day!

  21. Wow... such a beautiful Autumn post Ros! In photos and words. It is beautiful, the colours of the leaves and also the last photo with the dried leaves, that is just gorgeous. And you even managed to shoot a photo of a squirrel! My grandparents used to take me to the woods when I was little, to feed the squirrels there with nuts. As a youngster it was so hard to be quiet, lol. Sweet memories. Hugs, Wendy


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