Tuesday, October 07, 2014

City Crafter 232


Well autumn has descended with wet and windy weather here in the UK... DH is miserable because he can't go golfing

Today at City Crafter the theme is 

Chosen for us by the lovely Anna ... Sadly this will be Anna's last week with us here at CCCB ... Unfortunately life has just become too busy for her to continue with us ... We will be very sorry to see her go ... 
"Anna I wish you all the very best and I'm still looking forward to seeing your beautiful unique creations ... be happy"

I've loved making my own leaves recently, sponging them and coating them with glossy accents ...
However, the large leaf on my card was fussy cut from paper and then sponged and glossed

I stamped my background and used TH pewter distress paint to add some splats and drips

The little leaf is handmade and the canvas 'Fall' sticker is from my stash

This week and for the rest of the month we have a Star Guest Designer 
Greta of GG Creations
Hop over to her blog and check out her lovely work

Our winner this week will also win a GD spot with us here at City Crafter so link up your creations and go visit the Blog to see the inspiration projects from the rest of our team

Thanks so much for your visit ... Enjoy your day

~ Ros ~


  1. Very nice, Ros! Interesting details! ))

  2. Beautiful "dreamy" fall card....the splatters and drips are a perfect backdrop...my goodness girlfriend, where do you get all your ideas, I wish I had your creative talent...another masterpiece!!

  3. Love how you made your leaves, Ros, all curled up. Makes them look so real! Fabulous card! Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. Fabulous card - I love the combination of the leaf and the key. I cannot believe that leaf is not the real thing.

  5. You fussy cut that leaf yourself?? My oh my girl you got so many talents!!
    I wrote before that I love to see your modern cards This is another stunner. Your background is gorgeous.
    I can see the work of a master; know that I am a big fan!
    Have a lovely evening!

  6. I love it Ros! The stamped leaves and splatters for background are perfect, love the neutral colour, letting that richly colored and glossed leaf to take center stage.
    Send us some rain...we could sure use it :)

  7. Beautiful leaves and a beautiful card, Ros! Have a wonderful Tuesday! and no I don't usually do pink, I am not fond of the color and it is hard to photograph!

  8. Gorgeous Ros!!! I came last night but you weren't posted yet :-) I love the background!!!

  9. Love the leaves and the splats in the BG! Gorgeous card!

  10. Such pretty card, I love the background too!

  11. Gorgeous Ros! I love the vibrant leaves on the subtle background and the white mesh and twine bow really add an outdoorsie feel! I just love your autumn cards! hugs :)

  12. The card is so pretty... Love the simplicity of it. :)

  13. This is so heavenly, Ros! I took a look at your post above this too, where you made envelopes out of papers you 'half-liked', and I must say that's such a great idea!

  14. Another special fall card - love it! And the splats are just... perfect in their imperfection.

  15. Oh what an incredibly artistic & beautiful card, Ros! Love the background, leaves & the mesh!

  16. Just beautiful Ros, I so love your style

  17. Those leaves are wonderful splashes of color on your card Ros. I really like that Paper burlap piece for the added texture too. Hugs!

  18. another beautiful work of you, great card!


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