Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Hi there!

A couple of weeks ago the amazingly talented Tracy MacDonald featured me on her Blog
She actually picked me as someone who inspires her in card making!
Can you believe it? I nearly fell over! I mean I am in awe of Tracy's talent and have been since I first 'met' her through Papercraft Star so I am honoured and humbled that she picked me ... 
Thank you Tracy!
Tracy is an artist when it comes to designing cards - A perfectionist ...  Everything ties in from papers to embellishments to create a unique masterpiece. The images she uses come to life with her awesome colouring skills ... And the fun element she often displays with sentiments that fit perfectly to the image make me laugh ... If you haven't visited Tracy's Blog you don't know what you are missing AND she has some amazing tutorials! Hurry ... get over there!

Being picked I am obliged to answer a few questions...

1. What am I working on .......  I am working on projects for my Thursday group ... I hold a craft class for up to 30 mentally and physically challenged adults ... something that I love to do but it can take up to 4 days for me to come up with an idea, collect supplies together, cut out everything that is needed and often that means a dash to the shops for more bits and pieces, glues etc., 
As well as that I am keeping ahead with DT projects for City Crafter which includes coming up with ideas for challenges. 
I am also on the team for the photographic blog Our Beautiful World and so always on the hunt for a photo and a word prompt...

2. How does my work differ from others of it genre ..... That's a tough one... I once said to another blogger that I didn't think I had a particular style and she shot me down Lol!  It's funny how you don't see yourself as others do ...  I guess my style varies ... It has a lot since I started blogging and I love to try new things ... The thing is I have to 'feel' my creation ... I let my mood and my heart take me where it wants to go... some days it's CAS, sometimes shabby/vintage and other days I just want to get inky but I think my constant is the colours I choose ... usually soft and muted and I like texture

3. Why do I create what I do.... Simply because it makes me happy! It is my escape from many things too. Creativity started when I was young ... a "needs must" sort of thing ... If I wanted a dress or something that my family simply couldn't afford, I found a way to make it - often out of a discarded item. The same goes for home decor ... I just love to pretty things up ... I was 17 before I had my very own bedroom - It was so tiny and having been brought up with brothers I had grand ideas of making it feminine and unique Lol! I only got into working with paper - cards and the like, about 6 years ago after receiving a pretty handmade card ... It was just a simple card but it meant so much to me and from there I was hooked.

4. How does your creative process work.... What process? Lol! I've never been one of those people who knew exactly what I wanted to do ... Unfortunately I tend to over think things and end up all over the place at times ... Sometimes if I have a new die or stamp or I've seen a new technique it can influence what I do that day ... But for the most part I am a slow crafter .... usually my mood dictates what I will make and I start with colours, pulling things out that I think may go together ... I end up with a stack of things and only a handful make it on to my card! If I am making something for someone in particular I like to create something I know will be meaningful to them.

Ok, So now I have to pick 2 people who Inspire me ... The truth is that everyone inspires me ... Many bloggers I follow create totally different things from me ... they have their own unique style their artistic talent blows me away ... I'm inspired by those who don't have the fancy gismos and gadgets and can make something stunning from a cereal box! I'm inspired by those of you who leave me comments and words of encouragement ... and pick me up when I'm down ... you ladies know who you are

But I have to name 2 people and here we go...

Kirsty is the sweetest kindest lady who makes the most adorable mini books and albums as well as cards, gifts, and layouts ... And is a brilliant photographer too!
Everything she does has "Kirsty" stamped all over it with her unique style and mix and match of colours and embellishments and she is never afraid to share something that perhaps hasn't turned out quite as she had hoped.
The creator of City Crafter, Pixie Dust Paperie and Our Beautiful World ... She is also on other DT's ... Kirsty is super organised and a joy to work with ... A lady who loves to travel, loves all things Parisian and shares her travels with us. I honestly don't know how she combines everything she does and maintains such a high standard ... A true inspiration a dear friend and 'Mom' to the cutest little dog!

Next up is Rebecca Deeprose of Paper Primrose

I had the good fortune of meeting Rebecca in person a year ago ... A day that will always be in my heart
We sat and talked non stop like two friends who had known each other forever....
Rebecca has a fond love for all things vintage and her creations make me sigh ...  Soft and beautiful is how I would describe them... And everything is perfectly executed. They reflect the beauty this lady has inside and out. Now and then Rebecca will toss in a CAS card or a whimsical creation when you least expect it and Bam! Another masterpiece! It's no wonder she is on so many design teams and such an inspiration.
I'm in awe of her talent and blessed to have her as my friend

I hope you will take a moment to visit these ladies and you will understand why they Inspire me.

Thanks again to Tracy for giving me the opportunity to share with you

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. A lovely read Ross, and big congrats on being picked!

  2. Oh my how I loved reading this post, it feels like I get to know you even better....I loved every bit of it...and love your style of creating...yes you have a style even if you don't know it...and when you said your style was all over the place, that is what I always say about me....a wonderful post, thanks for sharing a part of yourself!!

  3. What a wonderful post Ros, it's really lovely to read more about you girls! Take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. Can't remember now if I left a comment earlier. We can't always put a finger on our own style. Mine is definitely messy, yours is much prettier and looks professional:)
    Zue x
    Hope things are on the up!

  5. Following you for quite a while and reading this post I realise how much I love to be here. Starting with blogging a few years ago you were always there to encourage me, help me and giving good avice. And sharing your wisdon with me. I am so grateful we met You are a very special woman with a unique creative talent. I am a big fan. It's privilege to know you and you mean a lot to me.A special friend
    Looking forward to meet you "live"!

  6. What a fabulous post Ros! I loved hearing more about you, and love your creations always!

  7. I love a little peek at what you're up to! No surprise that she thinks you're awesome! I agree! x

  8. Awww.... thanks for the kind words Ros, you are a sweet friend and a talented crafter yourself, I am so glad to know a little bit more about you, and someday, we will meet, someday my friend!!!! : )

  9. What a wonderful post, Ros! Loved reading it and getting to know you more! You give inspiration to many with your gorgeous creations and kind soul! Have a great weekend!:-)

  10. Fabulous post Ros and I loved reading about how you create.

  11. Such a pleasure to read. And congratulations on being chosen! I have no trouble seeing how that came about...


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