Monday, November 10, 2014

One card one cat ...

Hello ...
We seem to have inherited another cat ... This one was first around here in February but the last 4/5 weeks she's taken to living in my garden - which makes me think she may have been abandoned recently...

The problem is none of the other cats will tolerate her - not even the visiting cats who call daily
I've asked around, posted photos in the vets office ... on their F/book page and at the RSPCA ... only one person came looking but it was not their missing cat. Feeding her is not a problem but now it's cold and the RSPCA won't can't take her... So yesterday I bought a small cupboard from the charity store and converted it into a warm shelter for her... she's fast asleep there now. I really don't know what else I can do right now and it's distressing... sigh

I made a card today in between feeding the cats and keeping them from fighting Lol! One of my friends celebrates her birthday tomorrow

I hope you're not fed up with me using this lovely aqua colour ... I can't help it I just love it

I did some sponging and stencilling and as you can see there is a lot of glitter

I'm still trying to get used to this camera so I hope these photos are bright enough ... my previous camera can be repaired but it will cost more than I paid for it ... over £150! So I have to learn to use this one!

I hope you're having a good start to your week ... I'll be back tomorrow 

Enjoy your day / evening and thanks so much for your visit

~ Ros ~


  1. Lovely card, Ros! I love the sentiment on vellum - very chic! And I hope the cats will fall in love with her...she obviously chose you as her new family. :)

  2. poor cat, this story is truly distressing! hope you find the owner very soon!
    Your card looks great! Love the ballons with all the glitter!

  3. Fabulous card, love those balloons!
    That stray cat is jolly lucky having found you!!!

  4. That is distressing about the cat! Sometimes its hard for other adult cats to get along. Hopefully she will be O.K. Your a good Momma!

    Beautiful card and I LOVE the aqua :-)

  5. This is a wonderful card Ros! I too, love aquas. Your sponging and texturing are beautiful and the glitter, so festive! I am sure that your friend will fall head over heels when she sees it!
    Your new cat is so pretty. You are so clever to make a personal shelter for her...such a Ros thing to do. You are such a kind soul! Stay well...

  6. So much wonderful sparkle. I don't think I'll ever tire of that color. Fabby card Ros. The new kitty has such pretty markings. Maybe the others will decide they want to share her warm house and start being nice. Hugs!

  7. Beautiful card, Ros, I love the mint green! And as for the cats, they know where to come for a good home. She will be fine even if the weather is cold as long as she stays warm, dry and is fed, she does look healthy! People can be so -----. Have a warm and cozy Tuesday...we are looking at our first freeze and really cold weather for here.

  8. What a beautiful card, Ros! I love your sponging, stenciling, gorgeous balloons--what a treasure!

  9. Beautiful card...a creative idea with the stencil and nope, I love to seeing your use the aqua colors, a favorite f mine too!! Another masterpiece!! How lucky the kitty is to have you help her out! We have 2 we are also taking care of, in addition to the feral cat that has been here for about 7 years...I think we are going broke buying cat, as we now feed 7 cats..but somebody has to do it right??

  10. Cute cat Ros! Your card is beautiful! The sparkly balloons and shimmery stars looks beautiful! Who can ever tire of the color aqua? :)

  11. Oh boy Ros, I feel your pain! I am a HUGE animal fan and I think it would break my heart if I saw that poor kitty. I'm so glad you built a shelter for him, what a wonderful heart you have!

    The card is just wonderful! I can never get tired of aqua, it's my favourite colour! Love the glittery balloons too! big hugs :)

  12. Poor furry thing but he's lucky that you are looking after him. So sweet of you to buy a cupboard to offer hom shelter for cold nights.
    Your card is lovely. I never ever get tired of aqua and I LOVE the balloons!
    Hope all is well; thinking of you!

  13. Wonderful card Ros, I love the glittery images!
    Bet those cats keep you real busy!

  14. So that's the new cat on the block (you can tell I'm reading the latest posts first...). What a cutie. I wonder why the others don't tolerate her. Anyhow, there's never enough aqua, especially when it is in your hands, it seems!! Great card!


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