Thursday, January 15, 2015

Birthday Shaker


My, where did this week go? I can't believe it's Thursday already... 

Ok, so I have another birthday card to share ... My husbands SIL had her birthday a couple of days before me so I made her a shaker card

I did a partial die cut using one of my circle dies to get that shape ... Just to make it a little different 

I had to return to the doctor this week ... My 3rd visit for this skin rash ... it's been months now and they are baffled ... I have more medication and failing that I will have to have biopsies done ...
I had to laugh though ... My GP called in another GP to see if she could offer any further advice and she mention that I may be light sensitive or sun sensitive ... I mean here we hardly see the sun this time of year and the skies are often grey and given that the rashes are in places normally covered - I can assure everyone that I have not been streaking Lol!!

I hope you are staying warm wherever you are ... we are expecting severe storms again ... I'm really looking forward to Spring and even though it's mid January we have beautiful Daffodils coming up everywhere ... Some are in full bloom!

Thanks so much for stopping by


~ Ros ~


  1. Pure delight right here. Loving the shaker box and pretty butterfly and birdie.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Fabulous shaker card Ros! I'm completely baffled on how you managed that semi-circle without folding the, you are good!!!

    Silly question, but any chance you switched laundry detergents or has the label changed on the one you're using?? Had a similar problem once, turned out the company had changed the formula of their detergent. Wasn't solved by any doctor, my hubby figured it out! Anyway, I'm sure they covered that already, I'm just thinking out loud!

    Until next time, big hugs :)

  3. I did not expect anything but stunning from you! This is STUNNING! Little birdie and the butterfly give is such a nice touch! Love it! Hugs :)

  4. SO cute!!!! I love the burlap butterfly and shaker!

  5. LOL! I hope they figure it all out soon, love. And your card is super sweet! Really love that partial die-cut window and all those girly, little tidbits!

  6. OMGoodness, I first saw this card come up on Pinterest and of course I pinned it to my "Shaker" cards...I just love it, love it!! I certainly hope they can figure out your rash....and daffodils, already...oh how beautiful...and on another note, I am glad you are not streaking...teehee!!

  7. Wonderful card - who would have thought that shiny sequins and burlap work so well together!
    On another note, I keep my fingers crossed that they will find the reason for your rash soon - and know how to get rid of it.

  8. Your shaker cards are always wonderful Ros, also love the added embellishments. Hope the doctors come up with a good solution for you (you did make me laugh though, about basking in the sun for too long ;-) Have they checked food allergies? As it happens there was this lady on tv last night who had red spots all over her body for many years and when she visited another GP she was told to stay away from dairy products... You wouldn't believe the difference of her skin now... Good luck to you dear Ros, sending hugs, Ira
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  9. I love the shape you created for the shaker window. This card style is so perfect for you. I know you like the vintage style, but you do this so very well. Hugs!

  10. I sincerely hope that there will be a solution for the skin rash. I am sorry to hear that you still have it and need more mediacation.

    Your card is lovely; I am looking forward to the shaker workshop.

    We had another stormy day too with loads of rain... And more rain for tomorrow. Maybe a bit of snow this weekend; geesh I want spring and sunshine!
    Take care, speak soon,

  11. Brilliant! Love the dimension on this one and the semi circle is a great idea!

  12. I am with Denise...purely delightful. The fun shaker shape, the colours and that burlap butterfly, just beautiful!

  13. Hi Ros, What a beautiful card. I do hope you find out what your rash is from, That sounds a bit frustrating. Stay warm my friend.


  14. What a great idea to cut a 1/2 circle, Ros! Your hubby's SIL is very lucky to have this darling card! Hope they figure out the rash problem--how frustrating. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Wow! Your creativity is amazing, Ros! Love the half circle cut out on this sweet shaker card! And, I just LOVE the burlap butterfly! Hope your rash improves soon and they find out what is causing it! Take care, hugs!

  16. Lovely shaker card, hope it getting better soon with your skin rash

  17. I think this is a favorite shaker card, love what is inside!


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