Sunday, January 18, 2015

Like A Song

Happy Sunday!

Robyn has picked the new prompt for 
This week she's asking that we post a photo that represents a song ... What a great idea!

I could have posted so many photos for this ... No prizes for guessing this first one

If you enlarge it you'll see that this is a sculpture of "Eleanor Rigby" here in my home town
And while I'm about it how about "In My Liverpool Home"

Then of course "Sailing"

I came across this and thought "Here Comes The Sun"

Then this ... "Little Donkey"

You see ... I could go on forever ... But my final one is this


A BIG thank you to Robyn for this prompt ... I Love it!

I'm sure you can all find something that suits this week's prompt ... come link up at 
 and hop over to the blog to see what the rest of the team have come up with

Have a lovely day!

~ Ros ~


  1. Fabulous photos Ros, glad you enjoyed the theme, had me thinking too.

  2. Beautiful assortment of photos Ros! My fave is the owl kissing the keeper! WOW! That's some trust! :) TFS

  3. Great photos I have quite a few tunes running around my head!

  4. haha, fabulous Ros! Love em all, but my favourite is Kiss, that is too sweet! hugs until next time :)

  5. Hi Ros, super photos in combination with a songtitle, my favorite is the last one "kiss" how sweet the owl is!! A great shot!
    Enjoy your sunday, Manuela

  6. You have picked out all the right pictures that match your songs Ros, well done!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  7. Oh my, this week is fun, and i enjoy your photos and song title too!

  8. What a great prompt and fabulous photos my friend. Hope you had a happy Weekend.


  9. Such a fun post, Ros--love the pictures!

  10. These are great Ros. That guy is pretty brave putting his face that close to that owls beak. LOL Hugs!

  11. Gorgeous photo's as always, Ros, love the last one, but I wouldn't kiss that bird, he might peck back!

  12. How fun is that.....wonderful pics and great song choices....I wish I had time to join in!!


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