Sunday, January 04, 2015


Hello and Happy New Year to you all!

Having taken a short break Our Beautiful World resumes this week
I've picked the word prompt for you and it's


Little did I know that when I picked this word sometime ago that prickly is just how my skin was going to be for the next month or two

Chestnuts are something I love to eat ... hot or cold but collecting them is dangerous work ... they are so sharp and prickly

My husband collected some for me last autumn ... they were plentiful on the golf course lol!
I have very sensitive skin and much as I love my garden, just brushing up against some of the shrubs gives me hives

Prickly rain soaked holly - I have 2 kinds ... the darker and the lighter

But it was none of these that affected me ... Nor was it pruning back the prickly rose bushes

Perhaps it was the prickly Christmas tree?

Who knows? Suffice to say something gave me an itchy unsightly rash which became infected and took 2 trips to the doctor before they could find something to help me.  
 Finally I am seeing results ... Teach me for picking this word huh?

Why don't you challenge yourself this year to photograph something that fits our prompt and link up to 

We'd love you to share with us 

It's my wedding anniversary today ... 15 years so I'm being taken out for breakfast

Enjoy your day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful photos!
    I hope you have had a lovely Christmas Ros.
    And Happy New Year to you:)
    You have made some beautiful projects since my last visit.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  2. Congratulations on your 15th anniversary - enjoy the breakfast! Love your pictures and your presentation of them - and I love chestnuts, too, though they are different here and are much less prickly!

  3. Hi Ros, we don't realize how many prickly plants there are in our gardens and I feel for you having sensitive skin - nothing worse...great pics of you garden pricklies. And happy anniversary hugs Robyn

  4. What a fun word this week, I have never seen "chestnuts" in their "real" element, so this was a treat for me. I moved my Holly bushes and now you made me realize that I need to re-plant more, I missed them this year, as I have a punch bowl on a stand, I put greens (and holly) around each year with lights, but NO holly this year. Loved your pictures again this week!!

  5. Great photos of prickly items Ros! Living in the desert here in Phoenix, we have lots of prickly things :) Have a great week!

  6. Poor you, Ros! Could it possibly be a house plant.
    Take care gardening!
    Sue xx

  7. Have a lovely breakfast and a whole day of happy feelings.

  8. Oh no! My poor hubby is allergic to poison ivy, oak, or sumac. Not sure which it is, but if he cuts grass on our back property he will inevitably run through it and get the stuff on him somewhere. It drives him nuts. Glad they found a way to give you relief but yes, I think you need to be a bit more careful about your prompts in the future. LOL Hugs!

  9. I feel your pain, I have sensitive skin too! Great pictures! I've never seen chestnuts on the bush before!

  10. Oh no, you were allergic to something eh!! Gorgeous shots though, love that first one! big hugs :)

  11. Happy, happy anniversary, Ros! Now that will teach you--careful what prompt you choose--LOL! Hope the rash is gone very soon. Beautiful holly!

  12. Hi Ros, first of all Congrats to your 15th Wedding Anniversary!
    Your prickly shots are fantastic! I love the Chestnuts in the autumn decoration they look so beautiful and they taste so delicious... :-)

  13. What an eye opener for me Ros, I didn't know that was where chestnut come from, they always just sitting nice and neat on my plate, LOL!

  14. Beautiful pictures - I love sweet Chestnuts too and the variegated holly is very attractive and unusual. Hope you have a great anniversary.

  15. Gorgeous photo's, Ros, did not know chestnuts had a prickly skin! Love all of your pictures!

  16. Love the prickly pics Ros!! Ive never had chestnuts and didnt know they came in such a prickly wrapping!! Interesting :)


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