Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Somebody loves you


I'm snowed under with things to do today ... I wish you could see my craft room ... actually I don't Lol!
So many things to finish and I'm not quite sure where to start ... 
Anyway I thought I'd share another card loosely resembling one of the cards my special needs group will be making tomorrow... The front of theirs will be totally different but the inside the same

Theirs will have DP on the front with an aperture for an image whilst mine is done sponging my favourite colour ink Sea Glass onto card stock ... stamping with watered down red gelato and speckles of gold writers ink

I cut the heart out and then stencilled circles with embossing paste adding a generous helping of glitter and then used foam tape to place it back 

And on the inside....

3 dangling glittery hearts ... This is the part my group will love ... Can you work out how many hearts I have had to die cut? 60+ just for one card and I have another card and a project for them to make so you can imagine what my room looks like right now

I'd like to enter this in the following challenges 

Thanks so much for checking in on me ... Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful Ros! Love your glitter on the paste and those dangling hearts are genius! hugs :)

  2. A wonderful card, inside and out! And can you guess: my first thought when I saw the inside was "Mmh, that would work well with stars for Christmas, too!"

  3. All these interesting textures make your card so sweet and pretty Ros, love the dangling hearts, cute! And don't think too much about that long list of chores, just tick off one chore after the other ;-) Good luck!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. Ros, this is AMAZING! LOVE the soft and glittery front. The hearts inside are FABULOUS! Thanks for joining us at House of Cards! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  5. Pretty card with those very soft colors! Love the dangling hearts inside! Thanks for joining us at House of Cards!

  6. They will love this project! What a wonderful gift of creative time you are giving them. Your card is beautiful!

  7. Fabulous card. Love the effect you got for the front of your card and the inside dangling hearts. Thanks for joining us this week at Just us Girls.

  8. Your card is beautiful Ros. Love the soft colours that you sponged on and those gold flecks are beautiful! I can imagine the joy in the groups' finished cards. A lot of work for you but I am sure that they will be absolutely delighted with their results!
    Take care friend, have a cup of tea.
    Hugs, Chriss

  9. oh, I love what you created! such a gorgeous card on the outside and then you open it and it gets even better. such great card - love it! thanks for playing along with us at MMCC!!

  10. Ros, I LOVE this card! So unique and not your typical colors! Super job really!! Thanks for sharing your talents with us at Just Us Girls...hope you will be back and joining us again soon!

  11. what a wonderful card Ros, love the hanging hearts!

  12. Your card looks beautiful! I love the surprise you get when you open it up! Very creative!


  13. Your card is beautiful!
    Lovely details:)
    And you have made so many lovely creations since my last visit.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  14. Wow Ros your card is Awesome, so simple but amazing, love the softness and the cool inside bold red hanging hearts!!!

  15. Beautiful card inside and out, Ros! Love those dangling hearts fun!

  16. Oh my that Sea Glass color is stunning. And I love what you did with the hearts. It;s a fab twist to add these dots. And I am a fan of these gold splatters:)

  17. Oh Ros adorable!!! They will love it. I love how you explain how your cards are made since I know zero about card making! What a wonderful activity for your group!


  18. I'll say it again my friend. You are such a blessing to others. They are going to have so much fun with those hearts.. Hope you take some pics to share with us. Love your stenciling, watercolor, and splats. Hugs!

  19. I adore this card! I love the sea glass colour too! The hanging hearts is fantastic. Also love the texture of your card. hugs Jenny

  20. Goodness, you must be very busy, and yes, I can see why they will love the fun!! Loving the outside with the use of the Gelatos...I see they have some new colors coming out of those I would love to get my hands on them!! Hope things are moving right along for you on your remodel!!

  21. Gorgeous card, I love the sparkly embossing paste and the beautiful hanging hearts! Thanks so much for joining us at HOC this month!
    Tammy x

  22. Beautiful card, Ros, yes I can imagine die cutting 60 hearts. I just finished garlands for a wedding and cut 300 plus leaves. Life is good! Always busy hands!

  23. Happy Valentine's Day Ros! Love the texture and and shimmery detail!

  24. LOVE the glittery circles on your FAB card front and the inside - well WOW! They will Love making this!

  25. You must think I'm a scatter-brain, well I am! ha! Thank you for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers and More for our 'Love, Love, Love' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  26. You've left me speechless, Ros! This is gorgeous--love everything you did from the embossing paste dots on the heart to the splotches to the cut panel! Pinning this beauty!

  27. Another gorgeous card Ros - love the colours and the splash of gold really makes this card special

    Thank you for joining in with our Love Love Love Challenge at Crafty Cardmakers and More
    Hugs, Sue

  28. Oh, I just love the inside of this! Too fun! And those glittery snowballs are such a great touch! I also love the split panel on the front and... Well, I just love it all! So soft and sweet!

  29. So beautifully CAS and mixed media on the outside and just pure fun (except for all the die cutting on your part) on the inside. Thanks for playing at the MMCC this month.

  30. Gorgeous card lovely detailing and design.
    Thank you for sharing with us at Crafty Cardmakers and More.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  31. Wonderful card!! Love the hint of subtle colors and the hidden hearts inside!
    Thank you for joining us at House of Cards this month.
    Rosi x

  32. My goodness this is such a lovely card. You did an amazing job creating this beauty. Thanks for joining us at House of Cards.

  33. Thanks for playing along with the challenge at House of Cards

    DT Merethe HOC 2015


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