Monday, March 23, 2015

Meet Monique


I'd like you to meet a friend of mine Monique Dubois

She doesn't live with me (well, I've got cats) No, she's from Paris
My blog friend Darnell as most of you know has a hamster "Hammy" and Monique would love to meet him

Ok, Monique is a mouse not a hamster and I'm not sure how hamsters and mice get on so Darnell may have her hands full... Never the less this card will be on it's way very soon

I think maybe I need another cup of coffee... or maybe I've had too many

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Cute card, Ros, love the clean crisp white and the lovely color! Happy Monday!

  2. Your post really put a smile on my face this morning Ros. I just love the little story about Monique, how darling she is and I'm sure she will love her new home! Wonderful card!! hugs :)

  3. This one made me smile Ros!! Your friend Darnell will love this one!! I say those eyelashes and sweet bow certainly will entice Manny to take a second look lol:)

  4. How cute is this. She is very stylish but I sense she is a bit cheeky too - Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Great card and thanks for introducing us :)

  5. Elle est très jolie, ta petite souris! Oh la la, love meeting your adorable little mouse Ros, she's oh so pretty, love the ribbons around her neck, made me squal for joy, not for fear, lol! Hugs, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. haha, fun to read your post! what a lovely Card with Monique!

  7. Haha... a delightful post, Ros!!! Your little mouse is adorable! I love the stitched frame die you're using, too!

  8. I don't know how Hammy will be able to resist her. She is tres magnifique! This is really fun Ros. Hugs!

  9. Oh how fun, Ros! Darnell is going to love this--& hammy will, too, I'm sure!

  10. Ever so cute, Ros! Love that little, floral window, and you've dressed Monique perfectly!

  11. Oh, wee wee, moni ami, this Monique creashure, she is divine, mwah, mwah!

    Sorry, Ros, that was Hammy doing his poor imitation of a French accent! You know you are doing me a HUGE favor with this simply stunning card! (Seriously, my comment box is off to the side and I keep looking to the right and STARING at her - she ALIVE the way you have showcased her!)

    So, anyway, you may remember that a long time ago, Hammy had a girlfriend named Miss Thang, she was another hamster. Well, it turned out he went out on her and then she got in a huff and drove away and now he has never been able to find her again and I have to suffer through long bouts of him crying his eyes out ... but NOT ANY MORE!! Hammy saw Monique over my shoulder and he's making an adolescent fool out of himself! He says, please hurry to the post office!!

    Merci, my friend! Bonjour! You are the BEST!! This card is the BEST!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Oh, adorable - post and card! It's like you used a magic wand to put a smile on my face :-)

  13. Monique sure is cute, so is your card!

  14. I had a good laugh at this adorable little "friend" I am sure hammy will love...oh my goodness, you and Darnell are cracking me up....she is quite a stitch isn't she...I sometimes read her posts to my Mom over the phone as she is so funny!! Anywho...another cute, cute and adorable card my friend!!

  15. Love him, so cute!!

  16. This post has me smiling. What an adorable card. Just as cute as can be.



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