Sunday, April 12, 2015

Shaken Not Stirred

Hi there!

No, I'm not really a James Bond fan ... The title of my post is this week's prompt chosen for us by Robyn for 

What photos can you think of to suit the prompt? 

Sometimes the things around us help ... 
Did you ever have one of these?

It's a lamp and when you Shake it the light comes on and the glitter changes to different colours as it swirls
Of course there is always the wind chimes 'a shaking' in the breeze

But then again ... I could just revert to the obvious

(Ahem... who knew that was hiding in my cupboard) 

Go visit the blog and see what the rest of the team have come up with and maybe challenge yourself to find something that we haven't thought of ... We'd love you to share

Have a beautiful Sunday

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh well done, so many different takes on the theme, all photos are equally stunning though, you are such a great photographer!

  2. I'm glad you saved the alcohol til last, I might have been distracted and not made it through all of your gorgeous photos! Love that wind chime! Happy Sunday, hugs :)

  3. Beautiful photographs...Perfect pics for the theme. I can relate to the first pic of some of those craft bottles in my craft room. and no I don't shake them...don't want bubbles in the paint. Smile

    The lamp...also brings back memories...we never had one...but I remember family members who did, fascinating!

    Wind chimes...I used to like wind chimes...but that was before our next door neighbors put several of them in their back yard....the constant clanging on a windy day...well, it starts to get to me...(obviously, our house is very close to our neighbors house)

  4. Such pretty photos Ros! Great take on the title!

  5. Well that was a fun mix. LOL Hope your weekend was wonderful. Hugs!

  6. Hi Ros....I love how your fabulous photos are not along the 'drinks' theme - has me thinking outside the square and looking about the house. Super photos and have a wonderful week Robyn

  7. Fun post & love seeing your great photos, Ros! Wishing you a wonderful week!

  8. I do remember those lamps, but now I can't remember if I had one or just wanted one:)
    Have a good week, Ros!
    Zue xx

  9. I do remember those lamps, but now I can't remember if I had one or just wanted one:)
    Have a good week, Ros!
    Zue xx

  10. What a fun take on the challenge, Ros! Love your bubbly photos! Oh, I was so pleased to hear of you and Stella getting along so well, although I did expect you would! Guess you are planning to come to the Netherlands now ;-)
    ♥Ira’s Crea Corner♥

  11. I don't know about the lamp, but i can relate to the wind chime... LOVE the sound of the ones with the big tubes. Love your photo, Ros!

  12. super photos and a lot of different views for the theme! The lamp looks so pretty with the glitter!

  13. Great job on the different pic for the prompt Ros, Actually very clever ones :)

  14. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing!:-)

  15. Love those shaken not stirred photo's, Ros, you have quite the imagination, love it!


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